Details of projects on this page were provided by respondents to a questionnaire sent to them by NATSPEC in February 2014 on behalf of ACIF and APCC. The project list only includes R & D projects undertaken by Australian Government or industry organisations - not by commercial companies.
Selecting the 'NATSPEC' category displays projects initiated or supported by NATSPEC through funding and/or contribution of expertise.
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CRC-CI - SpecNotes and Viewer (Completed)
Start date: 2006
Status: Complete
NATSPEC was a partner in this research project which had the goal of developing software applications to integrate specification documents with digital building models. The applications provided a high degree of cross-referencing between the two.
Read more on the project page
ICIS - Project 02: Specifications and BIM (Completed)
Project name: ICIS Project 02: Specifications and BIM
Responsible organisation: ICIS
Project objectives: To produce a report which discussed different methods for the connection/integration of specification information and BIM, including the potential advantages and disadvantages of each method. It was agreed that the subject was not sufficiently advanced to make recommendations in the report.
ICIS Specifications and BIM Report [239 KB PDF] Download
ICIS - Project 03: Classification and BIM
Project name: ICIS Project 03: Classification and BIM.
Responsible organisation: ICIS
Project objectives: To develop a guide for the industry for implementing ISO 12006-2 and a supplement for a typical national BIM-guide. Other objectives include:
- Identifying important information tasks and areas for support of classification of interest to the industry.
- Identify and specify usability and functionality of classification systems.
Planned activity 2016: Presentation of final draft at the ICIS Delegates Assembly in Auckland, New Zealand in early 2016 for review prior to publication later in 2016.
NATSPEC - Australian Government BIM Workshop (Completed)
Project name: NATSPEC Australian Government BIM Workshop (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: February 2013
Main participating organisations: State and Federal government property agencies that require, or are looking at requiring, the use of BIM on their projects.
Project goals and objectives:
- Improve agencies’ awareness of each other’s activities.
- Share their experiences of implementing BIM.
- Avoid duplication of effort.
- Facilitate a consistent national approach to BIM.
- Speed up adoption nationally.
Context: A number of government agencies are examining the role of BIM in their procurement processes. NATSPEC believed that a workshop would provide an opportunity to share their experiences and reduce duplication of effort.
Proposed deliverables: Increased awareness of government agency policies and activities regarding the implementation of BIM. A more consistent national approach to BIM implementation.
Planned 2016 activity: None.
Expected audience: State and Federal government property agencies.
Approach, methodology: Workshop. Workshop notes.
Project contact:
Name: Richard Choy
Position: CEO
Tel: 02 9321 7200
NATSPEC - BIM Paper: BIM and LOD (Completed)
Project name: NATSPEC BIM Paper – BIM and LOD (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: November 2013.
Main participating organisations: Industry experts.
Project goals and objectives: To improve understanding of Level of Development (LOD) throughout the industry and provide guidance about using LOD as a project management tool.
Context: There had been a focus of interest in LOD over the last few years, coupled with widespread confusion and misconceptions.
Proposed deliverables: NATSPEC BIM Paper.
Planned 2014 activity: Project complete.
Expected audience: Industry stakeholders.
Approach, methodology: Desktop research and industry consultation.
Project contact:
Name: Neil Greenstreet
Position: Senior Architect
Tel: 02 9321 7200
NATSPEC - BIM Paper: Getting Started with BIM (Completed)
Project name: NATSPEC BIM Paper – Getting Started with BIM (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: June 2014.
Main participating organisations: Industry experts.
Project goals and objectives: To assist organisations that have decided to implement BIM and provide guidance about what they should do next. The paper will focus on the office/organisation issues associated with implementing BIM, how such issues may be overcome and the level of BIM implementation that may be suitable for an organisation, based on its scale.
Context: There appears to be an absence of succinct guidance on this topic relevant to Australian practitioners.
Proposed deliverables: NATSPEC BIM Paper.
Planned 2014 activity: Review of draft document by a selected group of industry experts. Incorporation of feedback in final paper and publication. Seminar series in June 2014
Expected audience: Consultants, practitioners.
Approach, methodology: Desktop research and industry consultation.
Project contact:
Name: Kevin Rooney
Position: Senior Engineer
Tel: 02 9321 7200
Project name: NATSPEC BIM Portal.
Completion/expected completion date: On-going.
Main participating organisations: Industry experts as required.
Project goals and objectives:
- To provide free access to downloadable NATSPEC BIM documents.
- To provide a reliable source of relevant BIM resources, including tools and educational tutorials.
- To provide details of BIM research and development projects that NATSPEC is associated with.
Context: There are numerous websites, blogs, etc devoted to BIM, and no lack of information about BIM in general. For industry stakeholders wanting to implement BIM, finding relevant information can be time-consuming. The NATSPEC BIM Portal developed in 2011 selectively provides information for this purpose, with a focus on open standards that can be applied regardless of the software used.
Proposed deliverables: Information resources, downloadable documents and tools.
Planned 2016 activity: On-going updating and development of content.
Expected audience: All design, construction and facility management stakeholders.
Project contact:
Name: Neil Greenstreet
Position: Senior Architect
Tel: 02 9321 7200
NATSPEC - BIM scheduling project (Completed)
Start date: 2010
Status: Complete
NATSPEC undertook this project as an initial response to subscribers’ requests to develop a standardised Australian practice for the exchange of digital building information. The goal of the project is to recommend a consistent, systematic approach to allocating properties to BIM objects to facilitate the generation of useful schedules.
The findings of the project are summarised in the NATSPEC BIM Scheduling Guidelines. See NATSPEC BIM Papers and other documents
NATSPEC - Construction information classification systems study (Completed)
Start date: 2008
Status: Complete
NATSPEC undertook this study in response to enquiries by a number of subscribers about developments in construction information classification systems due to its relevance to BIM. The results are summarised in the NATSPEC TECHreport Information classification systems and the Australian construction industry. NATSPEC sought the views of interested subscribers and industry representatives during the study.
NATSPEC TECHreport Information classification systems ... [PDF 276 KB] Download
NATSPEC - International classification study
Start date: 2011
Status: Active
NATSPEC is reviewing current developments in construction information classification systems internationally to provide background information for discussions about the most appropriate system for the Australian construction industry.
NATSPEC - National BIM Project Inception Guide (Completed)
Project name: NATSPEC BIM Paper – BIM Project Inception Guide (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: November 2014.
Main participating organisations: Industry experts.
Project goals and objectives: To assist clients working with their Lead BIM Advisor to clarify and define their BIM requirements at project inception for the purpose of engaging the project team, with the goal of maximising the value of BIM to the project.
Context: The clear definition of BIM requirements prior to engagement allows consultants to scope and price their services more accurately when preparing bids, reducing the risk of having to renegotiate them later.
Proposed deliverables: NATSPEC BIM Paper.
Planned 2016 activity: Project complete.
Expected audience: Industry stakeholders.
Approach, methodology: Desktop research and industry consultation.
Project contact:
Name: Neil Greenstreet
Position: Senior Architect
Tel: 02 9321 7200
QUT-ARC - Linking BIM, Specifications and BOQs
Project name: QUT ARC Linking BIM, Specifications and BOQs.
Responsible organisation: QUT.
Project objectives: NATSPEC is a partner in this Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Australian Research Council (ARC) linkage project which is examining the link between BIM, construction specifications and cost plans. The objectives of the research are to:
- Establish new and better ways of communicating complex technical information between members of the building design team, especially at early stages of design, by making currently implicit information explicit. It focuses on exchange of information between the architect and cost planner/quantity surveyor as a key relationship;
- To support the definition of dependencies between building components and products to ensure that requirements expressed in the drawings or specification are met appropriately and consistently. The focus will be on the relationship between the model as the source for the generation of construction drawings and specifications as an explicit textual description of requirements;
- Implement software that demonstrates the achievement of the two goals above and that is sufficiently robust to be used in a commercial environment for the domains noted. This software will automate or semi-automate the addition of information to BIM to support specification writing and cost planning.
SBEnrc - Collaborative Object Libraries Supporting the Facility Lifecycle
Start date: 2010
Status: Active
NATSPEC is a partner in this project with SBEnrc. The objective of the project is to develop standards and processes that will enable collaborative object libraries to store and share information appropriate to each stage of the built asset lifecycle, and in a platform neutral manner. Object authoring software for the creation of generic objects that can then be exported to common modelling applications has been developed. This saves having to model the same items multiple times. Standard property sets and shared parameters are also being developed to promote a consistent approach by content creators.
Standards Australia - BD-104 BIM: Mirror committee of ISO TC59/SC 13
Project name: Standards Australia BD-104, the Australian Mirror Committee of ISO TC 59/SC 13.
Responsible organisation: Standards Australia.
Project objectives: NATSPEC’s proposal to form an Australian mirror committee of International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 59/Subcommittee 13 (ISO TC59/SC13) Organisation of information about building works was approved by Standards Australia (SA) in 2012.
The objectives of BD-104 are to:
- Participate in the development of international standards managed by ISO TC59/SC13.
- Represent Australian interests in the development of international standards.
- Inform Standards Australia (SA) decision-making with respect to BIM.
NATSPEC - ICIS National BIM Object Library Survey (Completed)
Project name: NATSPEC/ICIS National BIM Object Library Survey (Complete)
Completion date: January 2015
Main participating organisations: ICIS and NATSPEC
Project goals and objectives: To identify which National BIM object libraries (NOL’s) and standards currently exist globally and also to understand which countries are developing NOL’s or creating standards for BIM object creation, object naming or object parameters.
Context: The survey was developed in conjunction with Konrad Stuhlmacher of Dr. Schiller & Partner GmbH, who was previously DIN’s representative at ICIS, to assist NATSPEC in deciding the best approach to take in regards to the development of an Australian NOL and also to assist in global knowledge.
Proposed deliverables: Survey summary report and full survey results.
Planned 2014 activity: None, survey and report complete.
Expected audience: ICIS members, buildingSMART chapters, ISO TC59 SC13 members, plus representatives from other countries.
Approach, methodology: Online survey.
Other information: A total of 39 respondents from 19 countries across the globe completed the survey.
Project contact:
Name: Kevin Rooney
Position: Senior Engineer - NATSPEC
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 02 9321 7200
[366 KB PDF] Download
ACIF-APCC - A Framework for the Adoption of PTI and BIM
Completion date: December 2014
Main participating organisations: ACIF, APCC, AMCA, CA, FMA, AIB, AIA, buildingSmart, and BIM Academy.
Project goals and objectives: Develop a framework identifying the ‘why-what-how-when’ for the adoption of Project Team Integration (PTI) and BIM across Australia and New Zealand.
Description: The Framework identifies all elements for consideration by clients/owners/industry wishing to adopt PTI and BIM. Practical principles for adoption have been developed. References are included for appropriate material available elsewhere.
The development of the Framework was an outcome in 2014, where APCC members agreed to the following Statements of Commitment in respect to the adoption of BIM for government projects:
- Government agencies should consider adoption of BIM for major projects.
- When adopting BIM on the project, consideration should be given to the procurement strategy implemented for the project.
- At completion of any BIM enabled government project, clients should be requiring a 3D view of the asset with linked data and materials for use across the asset life cycle.
Planned 2016/2017 Activities: Ongoing promotion of the Framework throughout government and industry as the “Framework” for adoption of PTI and BIM in Australasia.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
ACIF-APCC - BIM Education, Knowledge and Skills (BEKS)
Project goals and objectives:
- Develop the BIM skills requirement “blue print” for accreditation into education and training programmes.
- Adoption of a consistent BIM capability standard across all disciplines and phases in a construction activity.
Planned 2015/2016 activity:
- Finalise the development of a methodology (Master Matrix) of each discipline within the construction industry. Include trade and asset and facilities management.
- Host a comprehensive Peer Review process.
- Implementation: Host a face-to-face Briefing – of Accrediting Associations. Advise relevant Associations and consult the wider public and industry.
- Launch: Planned for August 2016.
- Online campaign to industry employers: Planned for September/October 2016.
- Develop access and the medium to be used in delivery to government and industry: To be delivered in a downloadable online format that meets the needs of the key audiences:
- Ongoing development and reviews: Enable review periods in ongoing development of versions.
Expected completion date: August 2016 (Launch of ‘blue print’).
Expected audience: Whole of industry involved within the delivery of a Construction activity (as defined).
Approach, methodology: Meetings of a dedicated working group and relevant stakeholders. Contributions from ACIF and APCC members.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
ACIF-APCC - BIM Summit - National PTI and BIM Communication Exchange (Completed)
Completion date: 2013 - 2015.
Main participating organisations: ACIF and APCC members.
Project goals and objectives: To provide industry with a "Knowledge Hub" to promote the better understanding of BIM activities underway and to avoid duplication of effort.
Description: ACIF and APCC convened the BIM Summit at Australian Standards, Sydney on 14th May 2015. The Summit provided a regular communication exchange for the Building Information Modelling and Project Team Integration initiatives being undertaken by many organisations across the building and construction industry.
APCC and ACIF invited people and organisations working on technical and commercial aspects of BIM adoption and Project Team Integration, to collaborate and share information on the projects they are undertaking.
4 working groups tasked with producing identified outcomes were established at the Summit.
Context: The BIM Summit followed work sponsored by buildingSMART to promote closer collaboration to make the best use of very limited resources. ACIF and APCC jointly act as a comprehensive peer industry group best placed to foster that collaboration.
This work is part of a wider commitment by APCC and ACIF to identify industry and government priorities in respect to improving productivity and, where appropriate, increased innovation.
Proposed deliverables: The completed deliverables from each working group have been finalised.
Project contacts:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director, APCC and Richard Choy, Chief Executive NATSPEC
Tel: 1300 797 142, 02 9321 7200
AIA - BIM Survey (Completed)
Project name: BIM Survey.
Completion/expected completion date: November 2013.
Main participating organisations: Attendees of the 2013 National BIM Seminar Series.
Project goals and objectives: To obtain Institute members’ opinions of about its role in dialogues about BIM and their preferences for BIM-related events.
Context: A follow-up survey was issued to attendees of the seminar series in an attempt to ascertain future expectations from the Institute in this field. Results showed that the majority (81.95%) of attendees were Architects from medium sized firms, around 7% of the attendees were consultants. There was a firm response from the attendees that it is the role of the Institute to develop and lead the discussions around BIM for architects and that these discussions should be available to the whole AEC industry. Most would prefer for future events to be in a case study and discussion format and as a 1-2 hour breakfast or lunch event. The second preferred format was for a full day conference. Approximately 45% of the attendees would like to participate in an online discussion forum.
Proposed deliverables: Seminar attendees’ opinions about the role of the Institute in developing and leading discussions around BIM for architects, and information about their preferences for the format of future events.
Planned 2014 activity: A second National BIM Seminar Series.
Expected audience: Institute policy-makers and event planners.
Project contact:
Name: Carmel McCormack
Position: General Manager Membership & Programs
Tel: 03 8620 3877
AIA - WA BIM Committee
Project name: Western Australian BIM committee.
Completion/expected completion date: On-going.
Main participating organisations: Representatives from Architecture, Engineering, Government, Education, Legal, Construction, Manufacturing and Cost Control.
Project goals and objectives: To improve standardisation, education and demystification of BIM in Australia.
Context: Recognition of the increasing impact of BIM on architectural and procurement practices.
Proposed deliverables: Clear, practical advice and guidance on all matters relating to BIM.
Planned 2014 activity: Results-driven monthly meetings. Preparation of case studies from the committee’s collective experiences in BIM. They will be generic in nature, and not identify actual projects on which they may be based. Projects of three different values are being considered for case studies: Low (up to $20M), mid ($21M - $400M) and high (over $400M).
Expected audience: All sectors using BIM in Australia.
Approach, methodology: Utilising the Committee members’ diverse expertise, sharing experiences and ideas from across all sectors using BIM in Australia.
Project contact:
Name: Richard Currie
Position: Chair of the BIM committee
Tel: 08 9381 6788
CITB (SA) - A Practical Introductory Guide to BIM - Course and document
Project Name: Construction Industry Training Board Innovations Program: Building Information Modelling (BIM) Initiative, A Practical Introductory Guide to BIM (Version 2 October 2013) Course Book for Construction Workers
Completion dates:
- Pilot Course: a 2-day Course ran February 2011 – December 2011
- Version 1: a 2-day Course ran January 2012 – October 2013
- Version 2: a one-day Course introduced October 2013 and current.
- The project remains ongoing in the absence of a formal BIM training framework.
Main Participating Organisations: CITB Board comprising the following employer associations, unions and Ministerial nominees established a BIM User Group which included:
- Industry organisations: AMCA, BISCA, CCF, HIA, MBA, PIA, Property Council, AWU, CEPU and CFMEU.
- Government departments: DFEEST, DPTI, Housing and TAFE SA.
- Private companies: A number of small, medium and large commercial construction companies were represented.
Training arrangements: In addition to CITB, A2K Technologies and Redstack have been involved from 2011 to present. TAFE became involved through delivering training at New Royal Adelaide Hospital (NRAH) in 2013.
Project Goals and objectives: Provide BIM training to site workers in response to industry needs not otherwise being met.
Context: Vendor training generally associated with product sales at the introductory level.
Training by vendors and universities targeted at architects, engineers etc at the 3D design level but not the interpretive level, and not at ‘BIM’ as distinct from ‘3D design’.
Cost-prohibitive sales proposals and confusing advice from vendors in the market has been a major barrier to entry level engagement with BIM by Construction Workers on commercial sites.
Deliverables: The training course includes the following elements:
- Theory: Introduction to BIM.
- Practical: Use of Navisworks Freedom with exercises from the Flinders Cancer Hospital model (a BIM project).
- Practical: Use of Digital Layout Technology.
Version 2 of the Course has been two years in development and is based on what the industry wants, as actually experienced.
Planned 2016 activity:
- The BIM User Group will reform to assess the training requirements for Construction Workers.
- A Practical Introductory Guide to BIM (Version 2 October 2013) will continue and efforts will be increased to encourage workforce participation in the course.
- Course graduates to continue training in BIM through uptake of further levels of courses including MEP, Navisworks and Digital Layout Technology.
- Continue working on formal recognition of a qualification.
Expected audience: The full range of construction workers: Labourers through to building company owners.
Approach, methodology: CITB has drawn on its expertise in ensuring high quality courses for construction workers through subsidising course costs and influence on RTOs.
As no-one else has been able to establish a footprint course for construction workers to get going with BIM; CITB has designed a suitable course, trialled, delivered and continued to develop it. This provides a pathway to engagement with BIM.
The Course is a culmination of input from many parties and a primary goal of meeting industry needs by finding a way to deliver the required training.
CITB is endeavouring to find partners nationally or in other states or territories (ongoing battle).
Project Contact:
Name: Mark Gosden
Position: Manager, Operations
Tel: 08 8172 9500
Links and images:
ICIS - International BIM Education Report
Project name: International BIM Education report
Completion/expected completion date: Updated annually since January 2014.
Main participating organisations: ICIS members and Asian organisations.
Project goals and objectives: To understand BIM education internationally and to share this information with international respondents to assist strategic planning with regard to BIM.
Context: Contributors either described the current level of BIM awareness/use in their country or the current level of training/tertiary education available.
Proposed deliverables: A report of findings available free at the NATSPEC website.
Expected audience: Educators. Professional organisations.
Approach, methodology: Questions were emailed to members of ICIS and others associated with BIM education. Responses were compiled and incorporated into the report.
Project contact:
Name: Kevin Rooney
Position: Senior Engineer
Tel: 02 9321 7200
[77 KB PDF] Download
SBEnrc - Project 3.27: Using BIM for Smarter and Safer Scaffolding Construction (Completed)
Project name: Project 3.27: Using Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Smarter and Safer Scaffolding Construction
Completion date: September 2014
Main participating organisations: Curtin University, Seoul National University, Qld Dept of Transport and Main Roads, and John Holland
Project goals and objectives: This research will facilitate the design and construction of smarter and safer scaffolding through the use of rule-based modelling systems that link with existing Building Information Modelling (BIM) software and technology.
Context: It will develop digital modelling tools and processes that integrate construction and safety constraints directly into the design, analysis, assembly, inspection and disassembly of these temporary structures. Building on a QUT funded pilot study, this project will identify opportunities for improved safety practices and more efficient design and construction processes, both in Australia and Korea, and seek to extend the results to other parts of Australasia.
Proposed deliverables:
- A comprehensive understanding of practices related to the design and construction of temporary scaffolding structures.
- Digital modelling tools and processes that aid scaffolding design and construction to improve the safety, productivity and profitability of construction projects.
- Education and training requirements to facilitate the uptake of these digital modelling technologies and thus reduce workplace accidents while maximising social and business benefits for construction workers and organisations.
- Industry Report.
Planned 2016 activity: Finalisation of Final Industry Report.
Expected audience: All construction personnel, agencies and related organisations in Australia
Approach, methodology: The development and use of the proposed BIM-based tools for the design, analysis, assembly, inspection and disassembly of scaffolding structures to:
- Enable rule-based design in accordance with construction and safety requirements.
- Incorporate rule checks against related construction design and safety codes.
- Provide 6D information for design and construction activities, i.e. scheduling, cost and lifecycle-management information in addition to the 3D model.
- Provide visualisation of the installation procedure, design and installation options, and give working condition analyses, such as clearance limits within the surrounding environment.
- Link to structural analysis to evaluate non-standard site conditions.
- Provide BIM checklists for routine on-site inspections that would benefit practical safety assessment on construction sites.
Two construction sites were used for preliminary validation of the prototype BIM tool - one building construction project and one infrastructure project. These case studies were important for assessing the usability and practicality of the developed tool. The designers and contractors working on these case-study projects reviewed the new scaffolding software tools under the guidance of the researchers. They suggested further refinement and optimisation of the links between the various BIM-based modules to improve their application to real-life construction processes.
Project contact:
Name: Xiangyu Wang
Position: Professor, Curtin-Woodside Chair Professor for Oil, Gas & LNG Construction and Project Management
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +61 8 9266 9059
SBEnrc - Project 2.34: Driving Whole-of-life Efficiencies through BIM and Procurement (Completed)
Completed: November 2014
Main participating organisations: Aalto University Finland, Aurecon, Building SMART/Fileon Investment, Construction Skills QLD, Curtin University, Engineers Australia, Fletcher Construction, Government of WA (Building Management & Works and Building Commission), Griffith University, John Holland, New Zealand Contractors Federation, NSW Roads and Maritime Services, QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads.
Project goals and objectives: This project (2014 - 15) aimed to:
- Define indicators to measure tangible and intangible benefits of BIM across a project’s life-cycle in infrastructure and buildings; and
- Pilot test a whole-of-life BIM value realisation framework on leading infrastructure and building case studies and validate the NATSPEC National BIM Guide within this context.
Context: In 2014, the Australian Productivity Commission highlighted that a more widespread adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) could enhance productivity across the industry and have a positive impact on the cost structure of infrastructure projects. This project aimed to identify and assess the added value of creating industry benchmarks for implementing BIM in whole-of-life asset management, with a focus on procurement methods and efficiency gains for infrastructure and building.
- BIM Value - A free decision-support tool hosted by NATSPEC for maximising the benefits of BIM across the life-cycle of built assets - Industry Report - Driving Whole-of-life Efficiencies through BIM and Procurement - Nov 2015 - SBEnrc Project 2.34 Driving Whole-of-life Efficiencies through BIM and Procurement Factsheet - Dec 2014 - Sanchez AX, Hampson KD and Mohamed S (2015) Perth Children's Hospital - Case Study Report - Sanchez AX, Hampson KD and Mohamed S (2015) Sydney Opera House – Case Study Report - Utiome E, Mohamed S, Sanchez AX and Hampson KD (2015) New Generation Rollingstock Depot – Case Study Report
- Book: Sanchez AX, Hampson KD and Vaux S (2016) Delivering Value with BIM: A Whole-of-life Approach, Routledge, London, UK - Sanchez AX, Hampson KD and Mohamed S (2015) Measuring Benefits from BIM across Whole-of-life Asset Management, presented at the International Road Federation/Roads Australia Regional Conference Asia and Australasia, 04 May, Sydney, Australia. - Sanchez AX, Mohamed S and Hampson KD (2016) Delivering Value with BIM – A Whole-of-life Approach, presented at CIB World Building Congress 2016, 30 May - 3 June, Tampere, Finland.
Sanchez AX and Hampson KD (2015) Delivering Value with BIM, Earthmovers Magazine August 2015 Issue - Sanchez AX, Hampson KD and Mohamed S (2015) BIM Benefit Realisation Management and BIMValue, Earthmovers Magazine September Issue
- YouTube Video - Introduction to SBEnrc Project 2.34 Driving Whole-of-life Efficiencies through BIM and Procurement - YouTube Video - SBEnrc Project 2.34 Asset Management Case Study - Sydney Opera House, New South Wales - YouTube Video - SBEnrc Project 2.34 Design Case Study – New Generation Rollingstock Maintenance Centre, Queensland
Industry outcomes:
- BIM Value Realisation Framework and BIM Value, an interactive online tool hosted by NATSPEC to develop a benefit realisation and monitoring strategy, in line with NATSPEC National BIM Guide.
- Three Australian exemplar case studies across design, construction and asset management showcasing benefits, tools and metrics for uptake of BIM.
- Advanced knowledge base of benefits from transitioning from 2D asset management and delivery systems to 3D integrated digital built environments.
Expected audience: clients, architects, engineers, contractors, QSs, asset managers, all stakeholders.
Approach: The research involved a literature review and desktop research; case studies on:
- the Sydney Opera House,
- New Generation Railway Rollingstock Depot, and
- Perth Children’s Hospital; and a review of national and international procurement guidelines for using BIM in whole-of-life asset management.
Project contact:
Name: Prof Keith Hampson
Position: Project 2.34 Leader; CEO SBEnrc
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 0414 642 288 or 08 9266 4788
FMA - Good Practice Guide for Building Information (Completed)
Project Name: Good Practice Guide for Building Information (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: Mid 2014
Project goals and objectives: The development of a technical guide which provides insight into the types of building information utilised in facilities management. It aims to set out the terms and definitions of building information which is utilised in the efficient and effective operational management of the facilities. It also provides the types of information required for differing purposes within the context of strategic, tactical and operational facilities management.
Proposed deliverables: The project aims to deliver both an electronic and hard copy guide book, including some specific checklists in worksheet format. The guide provides a range of pro forma and checklists for ensuring the type of information required to operate a facility has been identified.
Planned 2014 activity: Release of GPG.
Expected audience: The audience for the guide books are primarily facilities managers, however, architects and property owners are also key stakeholders.
Approach, methodology: Research developed report, industry expert moderated and published by FMA.
Project contact:
Name: John Casey
Position: National Policy Coordinator
Tel: 03 8641 6601
ACT Govt TAMS - Capital Works and Urban Development Map
Project name: Capital Works and Urban Development Map.
Completion/expected completion date: 30 June 2016.
Main participating organisations: Territory and Municipal Services Directorate (TAMS), Land Development Agency (LDA)
Project goals and objectives: Provide a spatial representation of TAMS Capital Works projects, Urban Developments and Heritage Sites.
Context: The project was driven by the need to better co-ordinate capital assets delivered through land developments and capital works. It was also to better inform Project Managers of impacts to their projects due to surrounding projects and reduce the risk in delivering projects for the ACT Government.
The work being undertaken by the AIMS AIG team at TAMS is closely aligned with the Digital Canberra Action Plan which sets out initiatives to assist in better engaging with citizens, being more open and transparent and delivering services more efficiently to meet the needs of the community.
Proposed deliverables: A public-facing map on the TAMS website.
Planned 2014 activity: Complete the integration of the TM1 and the IAMS. Develop the GIS map interface system.
Expected audience: TAMS Capital Works Project Managers, Directorate Asset Owner/Managers and local Development Agencies/Consultancies.
Approach, methodology: A 2 stage project commenced in 2014:
- Stage 1 (2014): Build a map for use with-in the ACT Government ICT environment.
- Stage 2 (2016): Utilising existing ACT Government ICT systems, develop a public facing map for the TAMS website.
Project contact:
Name: David Roulston
Position: Director of the Operational Support Branch (TAMS)
Tel: 02 6207 6628
Dept of Transport and Main Roads (QLD) - BIM for TMR - Road Lighting
Project Name: BIM for TMR - Road Lighting
Completion/expected completion date: December 2014
Main participating organisations:
Project goals and objectives: To provide a proof of concept for implementing BIM for TMR. The scope of this project is limited to road lighting projects. This project aims to address using the electronic model throughout the entire project lifecycle (i.e. planning, design, construction and maintenance).
Key deliverables and planned 2014 activities:
1. Develop schema/specification to define road lighting designs in electronic model. (Stage 1 – expected completion: Jun 2014).
2. Modelling road lighting design in the electronic model. (Stage 1 – expected completion: Jun 2014).
3. Automating some design calculations. (Stage 1 – expected completion: Jun2014)
4. Reviewing/ streamline the design & approval process associated with road lighting. (Stage 2 – expected completion: Dec 2014).
5. Review the content in drawings required for submission/ approval. (Stage 2 – expected completion: Dec 2014).
6. Integration with TMR's asset management system. (Stage 2 – expected completion: Dec 2014).
Project Contact:
Name: Sudharsanan Loganathan
Position: Manager (CADD Development)
Phone: (07) 3066 7940
Emergency Information Coordination Unit (NSW) - Building and Infrastructure 3D database
Project name: Building & Infrastructure 3D database
Completion/expected completion date: Ongoing as stakeholders request wider coverage outside the CBD
Main participating organisations: Ausgrid, Council of the City of Sydney, Emergency Functional Area Coordinators, Emergency Information Coordination Unit, Infrastructure protection regulators, Jemena, Police CT command, Roads and Maritime Services, Sydney Trains, Sydney Water, Telstra, Transport NSW, Underground service locating industry
Project goals and objectives: The Building and Infrastructure 3D database is the result of a joint venture between Council of the City of Sydney and the EICU including the collaboration of all the major infrastructure Agencies operating in the Sydney CBD. The objective of the project is to model and map all of the underground infrastructure for the CBD including the buildings both above and below ground in three dimensions. This includes all utility and tunnel information.
The model is intelligent and facilitates full attribute and 3-D spatial queries on all features which distinguishes it from the common fly through 3-D models that are generally used to represent the built environment. The 3-D buildings include contact details for owners and occupiers and the type of industries located within the building as well as documents and photos detailing floor plans, construction details, access points and other sensitive information about the building.
High interest buildings are captured as architectural models and translated into virtual environments for exercise scenarios and then imported into the GIS data model in real world coordinate systems.
Data from the 3D building and Infrastructure database has been used in the planning of major projects like the proposed Sydney Metro, The George St light rail and the City of Sydney’s Tri-generation Project.
The Sydney Down Under working group is a component of this project and it is made up of representatives from all stakeholders. The group meet monthly to monitor the progress of the 3D building and Infrastructure database and to investigate new and innovative spatial data technologies that have the potential to benefit the project as well as all stakeholder agencies.
Context: The project will deliver the following benefits:
- Planning of new infrastructure
- Emergency response
- Critical infrastructure protection
- Safety of public and responders
- Event management
- Better access and communication for all agencies
- Reduction in utility outages due to excavation errors
- Knowledge transfer between agencies
- Maintain awareness of the latest advances in technology in this field
Proposed deliverables: A 3D GIS model of the Sydney CBD showing all underground infrastructure and buildings above and below ground
Planned 2014 activity: Monthly workshops held and progress the model to include all utility and other underground infrastructure
Expected audience: Ausgrid, Council of the City of Sydney, Emergency Functional Area Coordinators, Emergency Information Coordination Unit, Infrastructure protection regulators, Jemena, Police CT command, Roads and Maritime Services, State Emergency Operation Centre, Police Operating Centre, State Crisis Centre, Sydney Trains, Sydney Water, Telstra, Transport NSW, Underground service locating industry
Approach, methodology: Cooperative research and in kind provision of resources.
Project contact:
Name: John Moore
Position: Manager EICU & Chair of the Sydney Down Under Working Group
Tel: 02 8236 7160
SBEnrc - Project 3.28:National BIM Guidelines and case studies for infrastructure
Project name: Project 3.28: National BIM guidelines and case studies for infrastructure
Completion/expected completion date: 30 September 2014
Main participating organisations: Curtin University, Swinburne University of Technology, Qld Dept of Transport and Main Roads, John Holland, and Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute
Project goals and objectives: The Project will:
- Develop National BIM Guidelines for Infrastructure based on experience and practical examples that promote consistency in the implementation of digital models for infrastructure projects. The Guidelines will support stakeholders in achieving interoperability throughout the lifecycle of the facility and will be based on internationally accepted standards.
- Highlight open and consistent processes allowing practitioners to work across industry in developing shared "virtual infrastructure" projects.
- Undertake at least six case studies where integrated digital models have been developed and use lessons to be gained from those case studies to assist in the development of the National Guidelines and uptake of BIM in infrastructure design, construction and asset management. The case studies including a selection of roads, bridges, tunnels, and railways will span facilities that are in design development and completion phase to capture learnings across the lifecycle.
- Collaborate with national and international groups including software vendors on the success and limitations of the available software with the intention of improving functionality and interoperability available.
- Test selected softwares "compatibility with the National Guidelines and inform industry and software vendors regarding their respective softwares" compatibility and availability in Australia.
- This project also aims to establish a taskforce with key stakeholders to manage a 2-year program for the delivery of the BIM Implementation Plan for Infrastructure across Australia.
Proposed deliverables:
- Literature review of existing relevant guidelines for screening.
- A framework of BIM guidelines with categories defined.
- An execution plan of organising workshops and soliciting industry feedback.
- Identify 6 BIM projects for case studies analysis across Queensland, WA, Victoria, and NSW (2-3 case studies per institution; Curtin, QUT and Swinburne)
- BIM Guidelines Alpha version: regular workshops and industry consultations
- Case studies implementation results
- BIM Guidelines Beta version
- Case studies implementation results
- Final guidelines/report release and dissemination workshops
Expected audience: Government, owners, operators, end-users, engineers, contractors, owners and facility managers involved in a project’s lifecycle.
Approach, methodology: The development of the guidelines and the implementation plan for infrastructure will be initially based on the existing BIM guidelines from the building and infrastructure industry, but validated through a series of rigorous research methodologies. These research instruments include questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, multiple case studies, Charrette workshops, and benchmarking, with which the research team will work closely with industrial partners from across Australia with participants representing a broad cross section of the Australian infrastructure industry (including clients, consultants, contractors, educators and government representatives).
Project contact:
Name: Xiangyu Wang
Position: Professor, Curtin-Woodside Chair Professor for Oil, Gas & LNG Construction and Project Management
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +61 8 9266 9059
Project name: BIM-MEPAUS
Completion/expected completion date: Ongoing
Main participating organisations: Head Contractors, Specialist sub-contractors, design consultants, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, technology vendors.
Project goals and objectives: BIM-MEPAUS is a global leading industry initiative that strives to address many of the barriers holding back the adoption of building information modelling (BIM) in the Australian building and construction sector.
Whilst BIM-MEPAUS is intended to support all stakeholders in the Australian Construction and Property sectors through improved design and construction outcomes, the role of mechanical contractors throughout the design and construction process has always been important to the success of the project due to their traditional roles as lead coordinators and complexity of the mechanical services on most projects. AMCA members through their industry leadership and expertise in BIM enabled design and construction are best placed to support the property owners, developers and project design and construction teams to leverage BIM for improved project outcomes and long term facility management
Standards BIM-MEPAUS aims to publish a set of standards that can be used to ensure that BIM design models are precise and accurate, practices are applied consistently, and the sharing of information follows a predictable workflow that provides all parties to a project with confidence in the integrity of both the model and the process.
BIM-MEPAUS standards include:
• Specifications for plant, equipment and fittings
• Work practices (for example, standard operating procedures)
• Guideline documents
• Workflows
Practices BIM-MEPAUS practices will provide documented instructions for the performance of particular operations and functions throughout the BIM design process and workflow.
Specifications Specifications detail explicit sets of requirements to be satisfied by a design model of plant, equipment and fittings. Specifications will include requirements for the physical and mechanical properties of both the design and manufacturer models to be used within the Revit MEP software.
Guidelines BIM-MEPAUS guidelines provide a compendium of information or series of options to support the use of other BIM-MEPAUS standards such as specifications, practices and workflows.
Models BIM-MEPAUS models are the three-dimension representation of the various physical, functional and spatial characteristics (specifications) of a particular piece of plant, equipment or fitting. These models have been design in consultation with designers, manufacturers and suppliers to ensure the defined parameters are consistent in terms of design and application.
Workflows BIM-MEPAUS workflows promote the efficient transfer of building information throughout the project lifecycle. BIM-MEPAUS workflows achieve this by providing a clear pathway for the transfer of BIM models:
Design model -> Manufacturer model -> Constructible model -> Commissioned as-built model
Proposed deliverables: Refer to above.
Planned 2014 activity: Progressive release of practices, specifications and guidelines fortnightly.
BIM-MEPAUS Construction Innovation 2014 Forum – 7-8 August 2014, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Expected audience: MEP engineers, modellers, contractors and fabricators. MEP product manufacturers, suppliers and information providers.
Approach, methodology:
Other information:
Sydney Morning Herald | Measure twice; build once |
Building Industry Online | Construction innovation forum highlights potentials of BIM-MEP work flow system |
Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers | Wizards of Oz |
AIA/ Consult Australia | BIM for Specialist sub-contractors and trades |
A Proposed approach to comparing the BIM maturity of countries | Research Paper |
Business Value of BIM in Australia and NZ | McGraw Hill Construction (to be released 26 March 2014) |
Project contact:
Name: Sumit Oberoi
Position: Executive Director
Tel: 03 8831 2800
buildingSMART - National BIM Initiative WG 3: Object Libraries
Project name: National BIM Initiative Working Group 3: Object Libraries
Completion/expected completion date: June 2014.
Main participating organisations: AEC consultant organisations, AEC professional representative organisations, building product manufacturers, NATSPEC, product information providers, technical information providers, software vendors.
Project goals and objectives:
- Review the NBS National BIM Library from the UK and assess its potential to be used in Australasia. Examine local industry Object Content Guidelines prepared by ANZRS including a review by Graphisoft & Bentley to assess its more general application across all BIM vendors.
- Explain the need for classification systems for built environment stakeholders in the context of object libraries.
- Recommend the most appropriate classification systems for Australia and New Zealand. Two systems – Omniclass and Uniclass2 – will be examined in detail.
- In the context of the buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD), contribute to the international bSDD team’s pilot project, examining the definition of properties for two common building objects - a ceiling tile system, and a VAV box for building services. Examples of the bSDD’s application include local work at QUT and some European tools such as bimSync - which allows a BIM authoring tool to query the types of external walling or available products in a model, or an Austrian tool which provides a means for building product information brokers to develop a National dictionary. The WG will also engage with product manufacturers.
Context: Following a series of MESH conferences in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne in early 2011, six priority areas were identified as requiring attention to accelerate the adoption of BIM in the Australian built environment sector. As a result, National BIM Initiative (NBI) Working Groups were formed in order to address these areas as part of the NBI Implementation Plan. The findings of these Working Groups were documented in a report to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education in mid 2012. With the failure of the Federal Government to support the report’s recommendations with funding, buildingSMART formed Working groups in August 2013 to progress three of the six recommendations: BIM Guidelines, IPD and Object Libraries.
Proposed deliverables: A report outlining a framework and relevant standards for product information and model objects to be included in the National Object Library. The report is to be tabled at a conference being held in Sydney over 11-12th June 2014.
Planned 2014 activity: Development of report content through shared on-line resources, web conferences and face-to-face meetings.
Expected audience: Consultants, contractors, building product manufacturers, product information providers, technical information providers, model content creators.
Approach, methodology: Research, sharing experience and expertise.
Project contact:
Name: John Mitchell
Position: WG3 Project Leader
Tel: 02 9922 3785
Name: Neil Greenstreet
Position: Classification sub-group chair
Tel: 02 9321 7200
Name: Ben Fox
Position: BIM Libraries sub-group chair
Tel: 03 9826 1786
Name: Alex Shaw
Position: bsDD sub-group chair
Tel: +64 (9) 631 7044
ACIF-APCC - Building and Construction Procurement Guide: PTI and BIM
Completion date: June 2015
Main participating organisations: ACIF, APCC, NATSPEC, Department of Finance (NSW), Department of Treasury (WA), Department of Health Infrastructure (NSW), Department of Treasury and Finance (VIC), Cox Architecture representing AIA.
Project goals and objectives: Develop a Procurement Models and Application of PTI and BIM Options Guide (BIM Procurement Guide) articulating:
- How to integrate BIM into each procurement model;
- Different Roles and Responsibilities for each party; and
- Other inclusions and considerations:
- Supply chain and life cycle benefits
- Procurement can be the lever to improve asset management
- Greater focus on small building projects
- What is the best BIM solution for each project (bespoke projects)
- Retrofit BIM for facilities management
Consider a phased approach to introducing BIM on building projects / articulating the different stages:
- Opportunities to introduce PTI and BIM
- How to structure contractual arrangements to accommodate PTI and BIM – best practice
- Case studies to illustrate how BIM can be applied
- As a client, what should you know at each of three BIM adoption levels (based on the UK Maturity Model)
Planned 2016/2017 activity: Ongoing promotion throughout government and industry as the “how to” guide in adoption of PTI and BIM in Australasia.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Approach, methodology: Development through a dedicated working group.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
Dept of Health and Human Services (TAS) - Strategic Implementation of BIM (Completed)
Project Name: Strategic Implementation of BIM for Department of Health and Human Services
Completion Date: 31 December 2014
Participating organisation: Department of Health and Human Services (Tasmania)
Project Goals and Objectives: Update information management processes within the Department to capture and manage building information collected during building design and construction (and for existing buildings as practicable) to improve building management, operations and maintenance.
- Achieve triple bottom line benefits for the Department through realisation of contemporary best practice BIM practices and processes.
- Contribute toward the Tasmanian Government’s adoption of the National Building Information Modelling Initiative as proposed in “Climate Smart Tasmania: A 2020 Climate Change Strategy”, requiring from 1 July 2016 that:
- new construction and major renovations of Tasmanian Government buildings be undertaken using collaborative 3D BIM (with all project and asset information, documentation and data being electronic); and
- asset creation and operating information be based on open standards for information exchange.
Planned 2014 Activity:
- Complete a pilot project run on a three story car park utilising BIM processes.
- Migrate agency built asset information to BIM-enabled database supported processes.
- Test the market for BIM-capable Computer Aided Facility Management systems best able to support the Department’s future needs.
Expected Audience:
- Senior management, Department of Health and Human Services
- Tasmanian Government Spatial Committee
Approach, Methodology:
- Participate with interstate counterparts to identify best practices for implementation.
- Complete case study on BIM pilot run for construction of three story car park.
Project Contact:
Name: Wayne Eastley
Position: Manager, Asset Sustainability, Department of Health and Human Services
Tel: 03 6233 3225
Dept of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (SA) - BIM Requirements and Procedures
Project Name: Building Management Building Information Modelling (BIM) Requirements and Procedures.
Project Goals and Objectives: To develop the use and implementation of BIM on nominated projects for Building Management (BM) a division in the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI).
Context: Through forums with Building Management, local South Australian industry has requested that SA Government provide a position relating to the requirements and use of BIM on government projects.
Proposed Deliverables: To define the BIM requirements and procedures for various size projects for Building Management, and develop project specific BIM briefs.
Planned 2014 Activity: Launch of Building Management BIM requirements and procedure documents, and the development of project specific BIM briefs as part of the overall briefing for new projects.
Expected Audience: To educate Lead Professional Service Contractors (LPSC), Discipline Professional Service Contractors (DPSC) and client agencies in the use of BIM.
Approach, Methodology: BM’s BIM requirements are based on the NATSPEC National BIM Guide and Project BIM Brief:
- Surveys conducted with LPSCs, DPSCs and General Building Contractors (GBC)
- Consulted with Facilities Managers, Records Management, IT Specialists
- Research of current BIM policy documents from interstate and overseas.
Pilot Project: The Kensington Special School Relocation project ($9 million project value) was trialled to develop BM’s BIM Requirements and the Core BIM Brief. The 3D modelling was undertaken in association with Russell Yelland Architects to define what level of development and building information is required for projects of this size.
Detailed energy modelling using Autodesk Ecotect Analysis design tool was undertaken by GHD to analyse the building’s energy performance, thermal, water usage, and for daylight modelling. 3D Modelling also established the effectiveness of providing geothermal heat exchange ducts buried below ground to reduce the running costs of the A/C system.
BIM Implementation Process: The following flow chart outlines the process in determining the use and level of BIM required for all new projects and will be reviewed on a 6-monthly basis.
Project Contact:
Name: Ralph Hems
Position: Senior Architect
Tel: 08 8226 5204
SBEnrc - Project 2.24 Integrated Project Environments (Completed)
Project name: Project 2.24 Integrated Project Environments
Completion date: July 2014
Main participating organisations: SBEnrc, QTMR, NSW RMS, WA Dept of Finance, John Holland, Curtin University, Griffith University, Swinburne University; EA, buildingSmart and CCF
Project goals and objectives: (i) Develop a national public procurement strategy; (ii) Develop guidelines for new contractual frameworks; (iii) Close or reduce skill gaps especially for SMEs, within the context of IPD and BIM in Australia’s transport infrastructure construction industry
Context: This research will contribute to realising productivity benefits of digital modelling and integrated project delivery for the Australian construction industry through a focus on the use of building information modelling (BIM) and virtual design and construction (VDC) in the delivery of transport infrastructure projects.
Deliverables: Research and Industry reports, academic publications that bring an understanding of (i) the institutional environment required for the uptake of BIM/ VDC especially in relation to procurement in an integrated project environment, to maximise productivity benefits of digital modelling; and (ii) the role of knowledge intermediaries in facilitating skilling and training for the uptake of these technologies.
Integrated Project Environments – Briefing Report for Industry
Integrated Project Environments: Leveraging Innovation for Productivity Gain through Industry Transformation – Final Report for Industry
Towards a National Strategy: Research Report 1 SBEnrc - Integrated Project Environments
Document Review: Research Report 2 SBEnrc - Integrated Project Environments
Reducing the Skills Gap: Research Report 3 SBEnrc - Integrated Project Environments
Kraatz JA, Sanchez AX, Hampson KD (2014) Digital Modeling, Integrated Project Delivery and Industry Transformation: An Australian Case Study, Buildings, 4(3): 453-466
Sanchez AX, Kraatz JA, Hampson KD and Loganathan S (2014) BIM for Sustainable Whole-of-life Transport Infrastructure Asset Management. Paper presented at IPWEA Sustainability in Public Works Conference, 27-29 July, Tweed Heads, Australia.
BIM a Transformative Enabling Technology, Engineers Australia 22 July 14
Driving Building Information Modelling (BIM) uptake, Engineers Australia, 19 August 14
Milestones for Implementation of Integrated Project Environments, Engineers Australia, 8 September 14
YouTube Video: BIM for Business Event – Presentation Playlist
YouTube Video: BIM for Sustainable Whole-of-life Transport Infrastructure Asset Management
Planned 2016 activity: None.
Expected audience: Clients, architects, engineers, contractors, QSs, all project stakeholders.
Approach, methodology: Desktop research, interviews, case studies
Project contact:
Name: Adriana Sanchez
Position: Research Associate
Tel: 07 3735 9242
buildingSMART - National BIM Initiative WG 1: Integrated Project Delivery
Project name: National BIM Initiative Working Group 1: Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
Completion/expected completion date: June 2014.
Main participating organisations: AEC consultant organisations, contractors, legal consultant organisations, NATSPEC, tertiary education institutions.
Project goals and objectives: Develop industry protocols for information exchange, including geospatial information, to underpin BIM and collaborative practice.
Context: Following a series of MESH conferences in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne in early 2011, six priority areas were identified as requiring attention to accelerate the adoption of BIM in the Australian built environment sector. As a result, National BIM Initiative (NBI) Working Groups were formed in order to address these areas as part of the NBI Implementation Plan. The findings of these Working Groups were documented in a report to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education in mid 2012. With the failure of the Federal Government to support the report’s recommendations with funding, buildingSMART formed Working groups in August 2013 to progress three of the six recommendations: BIM Guidelines, IPD and Object Libraries.
Proposed deliverables: A report outlining industry protocols for information exchange, including geospatial information, to underpin BIM and collaborative practice. The report is to be tabled at a conference being held in Sydney over 11-12th June 2014.
Planned 2014 activity: Development of report content through shared on-line resources, web conferences and face-to-face meetings.
Expected audience: All stakeholders in BIM projects.
Approach, methodology: Research, sharing experience and expertise.
Project contact:
Name: Andrew Orford
Position: Chair
Tel: 07 3119 6404
buildingSMART - Data Dictionary (bSDD)
Project name: buildingSMART International Data Dictionary (bSDD) (previously known as International Framework of Dictionaries (IFD))
Responsible organisation: buildingSMART International
Project objectives: The bSDD, originally known as the International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD), is a mechanism that allows for creation of multilingual dictionaries or ontologies. It is a reference library intended to support improved interoperability in the building and construction industry, and is one of the core components of the buildingSMART data standards programme. The objective of the project is to develop the data resources that constitute bSDD content and the tools for utilising this data. NATSPEC is a bSDD Observer organisation.
buildingSMART - Global BIM Guide Wiki
Project name: buildingSMART International Global BIM Guide Wiki
Responsible organisation: buildingSMART International Process Room
Project objectives: To create an editable, searchable list of currently available BIM guidelines and standards. Guides will be reviewed, compared and categorised using a consistent framework. The end goal is to use the Wiki resources to formulate an international framework for BIM guidelines based on real-world procedures and industry requirements.
buildingSMART - National BIM Initiative WG 2: BIM Guidelines
Project name: National BIM Initiative Working Group 2: BIM Guidelines
Completion/expected completion date: June 2014.
Main participating organisations: AEC consultant organisations, contractors, NATSPEC, technical information providers, tertiary education institutions.
Project goals and objectives: Develop Australian technical codes and standards for BIM. Consistent application of standards are essential for interoperability and collaboration between BIM model authors.
Context: Following a series of MESH conferences in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne in early 2011, six priority areas were identified as requiring attention to accelerate the adoption of BIM in the Australian built environment sector. As a result, National BIM Initiative (NBI) Working Groups were formed in order to address these areas as part of the NBI Implementation Plan. The findings of these Working Groups were documented in a report to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education in mid 2012. With the failure of the Federal Government to support the report’s recommendations with funding, buildingSMART formed Working groups in August 2013 to progress three of the six recommendations: BIM Guidelines, IPD and Object Libraries.
Proposed deliverables: A report on the BIM guidelines and standards needed to facilitate interoperability of model data and collaboration between BIM project stakeholders. The report is to be tabled at a conference being held in Sydney over 11-12th June 2014.
Planned 2014 activity: Development of report content through shared on-line resources, web conferences and face-to-face meetings.
Expected audience: All stakeholders in BIM projects.
Approach, methodology: Research, sharing experience and expertise.
Project contact:
Name: Scott Beazley
Position: Chair
Tel: 07 3327 5000
CRC-CI - National Guidelines for Digital Modelling (Completed)
Start date: 2009
Status: Complete
NATSPEC participated in discussions and commented on draft documents during the development of the guideline and case study documents. The Guidelines were developed to initiate discussion and involvement across the Australian construction industry on the collaborative use of BIM in order to encourage the development and adoption of common national standards of practice.
Read more and download Guidelines and Case Studies from the project page
NATSPEC - New Zealand BIM Handbook (Completed)
Project name: New Zealand BIM Handbook (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: July 2014
Main participating organisations: NATSPEC was commissioned to produce a draft document for the NZ BIM Handbook Sub-Committee of the National Technical Standards Committee as part of the New Zealand Government Building and Construction Sector Productivity Partnership initiative.
Project goals and objectives: To create an industry wide Handbook that could be used to achieve the following:
- Promote the use of BIM throughout the project lifecycle.
- Create a common language for the industry to use.
- Clarify the briefing process for designers and constructors.
- Improve the level of coordination in both design and construction phases.
- Create a clear path for the future development of the industry.
Context: The New Zealand Government had a desire to increase the productivity of the building sector. Formalised adoption of a BIM approach to building design, construction and operation was seen as one way of achieving this.
Proposed deliverables: A National BIM Handbook.
Planned 2014 activity: Release of the Handbook finalised by the Handbook Sub-Committee.
Expected audience: NZ industry stakeholders.
Approach, methodology: Literature review, desktop research, stakeholder workshops and stakeholder and Sub-Committee reviews of drafts.
Project contact:
Name: Neil Greenstreet
Position: Senior Architect
Tel: 02 9321 7200
UWS - Glossary Manager Stage 2
Start date: 2011
Status: Active
Following the successful preliminary testing of the Glossary Manager software during Stage 1 of the project, NATSPEC is inviting industry organisations to submit glossaries of terms for inclusion in the Glossary Manager. This application, developed by the School of Computing in the University of Western Sydney (UWS), will compare the glossaries so that differences in the definitions they assign to similar or identical terms can be identified and inconsistencies resolved.
ACIF-APCC - The Project Team Integration Workbook (Completed)
Completion date: March 2014
Main participating organisations: ACIF and APCC
Project goals and objectives: Provide the industry with a "Roadmap" to integration of project teams, including a concise abstract of the benefits of earlier engagement of constructors in project teams, to work with designers and other client-appointed consultants to deliver required functionality within required time and budget limits.
Description: The Workbook provides a checklist for project sponsors, designers and constructors to assess the degree to which they are able to integrate a project team, and identifies issues that need to be addressed to deliver optimal project outcomes. The focus is on the behaviours needed to ensure the project team works collaboratively and efficiently, with each member respecting the contribution of other members.
The Workbook also provides a framework for the decision-making required by the project team to enable the collaborative behaviour that needs to become the norm - “the way we do things here”.
Context: ACIF and its government counterpart the Australasian Procurement & Construction Council (APCC) have for several years collaborated on producing tools to help industry adopt and get the best from BIM. Their focus has been on the behavioural and management tools needed to best create and manage project teams, optimise the contribution of individual team members to achieving client objectives, and achieve excellent project outcomes.
ACIF and APCC have focused on maximising the level of project team integration to best utilise the power of BIM for design materials handling and buildability, construction, and asset maintenance.
Deliverables: A published document, available in limited hard copy and soft copy i.e. pdf files available from the ACIF and APCC web sites, and those of their member organisations.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
AIA-CA - BIM in Practice documents
Project name: BIM in Practice documents
Completion/expected completion date: October 2013
Main participating organisations: AEC Connect, AMCA, BSA, Geyer, Hellier McFarland, Jackson Roxburgh, NATSPEC, PTA, V-Mark Design.
Project goals and objectives: To explain in clear language, from a practitioner’s point of view, some of the benefits, issues, costs and hurdles when implementing a BIM methodology into the business and projects of specialist sub-contractors and trades, Surveyors and Interior Designers.
Context: A large proportion of practitioners are still unfamiliar with BIM and the benefits it offers.
Proposed deliverables: Three publications which complement the suite of 22 papers published late in 2012. They are:
• BIM for Specialist sub-contractors and trades.
• Surveying for BIM.
• BIM for Interior Designers.
Planned 2014 activity: None. Publications completed.
Expected audience: All design, construction and facility management stakeholders.
Project contact:
Name: Dominik Holzer
Position: Editor
Tel: 03 9639 9199
Links: All papers are available for free download from
BEIIC - BIM economic study (Completed)
Start date: 2010
Status: Complete
NATSPEC participated in discussions for this study commissioned by the Australian Government’s Built Environment Industry Innovation Council (BEIIC) to examine the potential for BIM to improve the productivity of the building sector.
The result of the study was a report co-funded by buildingSMART Australia, the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) and others entitled Productivity in the Buildings Network: Assessing the Impacts of Building Information Models (Allen Consulting Group, 2010), which found that accelerating the adoption of building information modelling (BIM) in the Australian built environment sector could improve productivity.
Read more about the report. Click on the link at bottom of page to download
buildingSMART - BIM survey (Completed)
Start date: 2010
Status: Complete
NATSPEC hosted a survey on current patterns of use of BIM in Australia as part of the economic study commissioned by the Australian Government’s Built Environment Industry Innovation Council (BEIIC) to examine the potential for BIM to improve the productivity of the building sector. (See BEIIC BIM Economic study.)
See a summary of the survey results in Chapter 5 of the BEIIC study report. Click on the link at bottom of page to download
buildingSMART - National BIM Initiative Report (Completed)
Start date: 2012
Status: Complete
Background: During a series of buildingSMART MESH conferences in early 2011 held to follow up on the implications of the Productivity in the Buildings Network report, six areas were identified as requiring priority attention to accelerate the adoption of BIM in the Australian built environment sector.
buildingSMART Australasia conducted stakeholder consultation workshops in early 2012 in across Australia. The workshop participants unanimously endorsed the need for national action on the six areas identified as a matter of priority. They also proposed a number of further key recommendations which are summarised in a report to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE). The report details 7 project work programs:
- Procurement contracts that support collaborative BIM processes.
- BIM Guidelines.
- BIM Education.
- Product Data and BIM Libraries.
- Process and Data Exchange protocols.
- Regulatory Frameworks.
- Pilot Projects
Read more about the Initative and download a copy of the report.
ACIF-APCC - Guide to Successful Project and Asset Delivery - Getting it Right Up Front
Completion date: June 2015.
Main participating organisations: ACIF and APCC.
Project goals and objectives: Develop a guide articulating processes involved in planning, designing and constructing capital works assets.
Description: The Guide also includes existing complementary resources produced by ACIF and APCC available to inform those processes. The focus of the Guide is the front end of projects – project initiation, project delivery planning, delivery team procurement, and project delivery. It does not deal in detail with the full span of project management techniques or practices.
Planned 2015/2016 activity: Ongoing promotion throughout government and industry as the “how to” guide in delivering projects and asset management in Australasia.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Approach, methodology: Development through Peter Barda, Executive Director, ACIF and Jane Montgomery-Hribar, Director Special Projects APCC.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
ACIF-APCC - Australasian BIM Advisory Board (ABAB)
Completion date: On-going.
Main participating organisations: APCC, ACIF, buildingSmart, and NATSPEC.
Project goals and objectives: APCC and ACIF have identified a fundamental gap in the coordination of harmonised Australasian BIM standards, protocols, systems and tools, guidance and training.
As the adoption of BIM accelerates in Australasia, it is critical for government and the construction industry to work together to maximise the value of BIM to deliver improved efficiencies and productivity and increased innovation in the management, design, construct and operation phases of a construction activity.
The ABAB seeks to address this.
Context: Coordination and development of harmonised BIM data formats, standards, protocols, systems and tools and the development of appropriate guidance and training that are adopted by both the private and public sectors across all disciplines.
Proposed deliverables: Harmonised BIM standards, protocols, systems and tools, guidance and training.
Planned 2015/2016 activity: The establishment of the Board (ABAB). Identification and engagement of members. Invitation to NZ to be a member. Initial Board meetings. Development of strategy.
Expected completion date: Ongoing.
Expected audience: Australasia and international.
Approach, methodology: Meetings of a dedicated Board and relevant stakeholders. Contributions from APCC, ACIF, buildingSmart, NATSPEC and Austroads members.
Project contacts:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
James Cameron, Executive Director, ACIF
John Mitchell, Chairman, buildingSmart
Richard Choy, Chief Executive NATSPEC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255 (Interim Secretariat, APCC)
APCC - BIM Knowledge Networks
Completion date: On-going.
Main participating organisations: APCC.
Project goals and objectives: To facilitate the exchange of experiences and intelligence to support public sector agencies adoption of BIM.
Description: APCC has sourced and invited people who are working or have an interest in the development, technical and commercial aspects of BIM adoption and project team integration in Australasia. The Network’s purpose is to collaborate and share information, and also understanding current challenges in relation to BIM use on projects currently underway.
Context: To promote closer collaboration to make the best use of jurisdictional resources.
This work is part of a wider commitment by the APCC to identify government priorities in respect to improving efficiencies, productivity and the increased use innovation.
Proposed deliverables: Provision a BIM "Knowledge Network".
Planned 2015/2016 activity: Ongoing regular 8 week meetings.
Expected audience: APCC members and other invited public sector guests.
Approach, methodology: Meetings of a dedicated working group and relevant stakeholders.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
ACIF-APCC - PTI and BIM Knowledge Hub - Benefits and Resources
Completion date: On-going.
Main participating organisations: ACIF and APCC members.
Project goals and objectives: Undertake a scan for the purpose of developing an electronic Knowledge Hub – Benefits and Resources (collection point) for materials associated with both PTI and BIM.
Include materials such as:
- Baseline benchmarking
- Case studies
- Research undertaken internationally and in Australia, for example the McGraw Hill Report; NBS Newcastle; and NZ benchmarking
- Relevant URLs
- A bibliography
- Updated Conspectus of BIM Initiatives
- Updated Pithy Case of the Benefits of BIM
Planned 2015/2016 activity: Ongoing sourcing of resources.
Expected audience: All APCC members and relevant organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Approach, methodology: Meetings through a dedicated working group managed by NATSPEC.
Project contacts:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director, APCC;
Richard Choy, Chief Executive NATSPEC
Tel: 1300 797 142, 02 9321 7200
SBEnrc - Project 2.46 Whole-of-life Value of Constructed Assets through Digital Technologies
Expected Completion date: March 2017
Main participating organisations: AIB/PDC Group, Aurecon, buildingSMART/Fileon Investments, Bremer+Company, BUILT, Civil Contractors Federation WA, Civil Contractors of New Zealand, Curtin University, Engineers Australia, Government of WA (Building Management & Works and Building Commission), Griffith University, IFMA/Rider Levett Bucknall (NSW), John Holland Group, Main Roads WA, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), NATSPEC, NSW Roads and Maritime Services, QLD Department of Housing and Public Works, QLD Transport and Main Roads, SIBA/Bennett and Bennett, Transport for NSW.
Project goals and objectives:
- Develop an online benchmarking system that can be used for monitoring and measuring performance outcomes of the built environment across procurement, processes, people, and sustainability and future-proofing.
- Develop knowledge to inform strategy on impacts of disruptive technologies likely to change the way constructed community assets are delivered and operated, thereby future-proofing asset investment decisions.
- Assess the skills needs and appropriate industry dissemination implications of items 1 and 2.
Context: Throughout the lifecycle of community assets, new digital technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) can provide benefits that are not yet being taken full advantage of. Outcomes from this project will provide a basis for stakeholders to improve their approach to implementing digital built environment and associated technologies, and monitoring their progress towards a fully integrated whole-of-life asset management system.
Proposed deliverables: Industry reports, academic publications and research reports. On-line benchmarking system.
Planned activity 2016: Interviews with end-users and focus groups; literature review; investigation of disruptive technologies such as large-scale 3D printing, self-assembly and self-procuring.
Expected audience: clients, architects, engineers, contractors, QSs, asset managers, all stakeholders.
Approach: The validation phase of the research will include three case studies with interviews with end-users to gain insight into existing skill levels, gap analysis and upgrading requirements. The research will also include a literature review and desktop research, and will propose a dissemination strategy.
Project contact:
Name: Prof Keith Hampson
Position: Project 2.46 Leader; CEO SBEnrc
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 0414 642 288 or 08 9266 4788
SBEnrc - Project 3.48 Sustainable Asset Management - Selecting Optimal Maintenance Strategies Based on Multi-criteria Decision Making
Expected Completion date: March 2017
Main participating organisations: Aurecon, Curtin University, Kyung Hee University, Main Roads WA, QLD Department of Housing and Public Works, Swinburne University.
Project goals and objectives:
- Improve the current life-cycle cost method used in infrastructure asset management to a life-cycle cost and benefit method, by including indirect costs, such as user costs and benefits. Mathematical modelling of two major environmental impacts – emissions and waste – will also be done.
- Develop a computerised application (validated in the dTIMS environment) to support optimal maintenance strategy selection based on the aforementioned modelling and a set of priorities on cost, performance and environmental considerations.
Context: It is of critical importance to ensure that asset management plans represent the reality of current conditions and the prediction of road performance fits the real behaviour of assets, so that loss of productivity due to misallocation of maintenance funds is avoided. This project aims to develop an innovative and effective approach to integrating life-cycle cost, infrastructure performance and environmental considerations into infrastructure asset management to generate optimal maintenance plans.
Proposed deliverables: Industry reports, academic publications and research reports; a practical framework and computerised tool to select optimal maintenance strategies based on life cycle cost, performance and environmental considerations.
Planned activity 2016: literature review, case studies, development of computerised tool.
Expected audience: clients, architects, engineers, contractors, asset managers, Standards Australia, all stakeholders.
Approach: A mixed methods approach is being used including: a comprehensive literature review to identify inputs and outputs; development of a work zone traffic delay model and integration of costs, performance and environmental considerations following multi-criteria decision making; case studies; development and validation of the computerised tool.
Project contact:
Name: Prof Xiangyu Wang
Position: Project 3.48 Leader; Woodside Chair, Curtin University
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 08 9266 9059 or 0416 683 029
ABAB AIR Guide (Completed)
Completion date: December 2018
Main participating organisations: Australasian BIM Advisory Board (ABAB) and member organisations.
Project goals and objectives: To develop a Guide to assist clients and their consultants define their information requirements to take advantage of BIM’s capacity to capture and deliver asset data.
The intent of the Guide is to assist the asset information requirements (AIR) definition process by providing a common framework for discussions between clients and their consultants, and providing sufficient coverage of the factors influencing the selection of asset information for them to make informed decisions.
Expected audience:
• clients, their agents and lead consultants who have relatively limited experience in using BIM to deliver information for operational purposes
• clients who do not have well-developed statements of organisational information requirements (OIR), asset management strategies, AIR, existing data standards, etc.
Approach, methodology: Meetings through a dedicated working group.
Project contacts:
Executive Director, APCC;
Tel: 02 6285 2255
Executive Director, ACIF
Tel: 1300 854 543
ABAB BIM Process Consistency Report (Completed)
Completion date: November 2018
Main participating organisations: Australasian BIM Advisory Board (ABAB) and member organisations.
Project goals and objectives: To develop a BIM process consistency framework, with government organisations and the private sector, that sets the national standard for BIM implementation. Encouraging BIM process consistency represents the construction sector’s greatest opportunity to realise the benefits of BIM
Expected audience:
• Government agencies with BIM strategy responsibility
• National and local public clients/procurers
• Government, operators and owners with built asset responsibilities
• Private sector construction industry consultants
• Other stakeholders across the life of the built asset or environment.
Approach, methodology: Meetings through a dedicated working group. A review of existing Australian public agency BIM specifications.
Project contacts:
Executive Director, APCC;
Tel: 02 6285 2255
Executive Director, ACIF
Tel: 1300 854 543
SBEnrc – Project 2.51 Digital Asset Information Management for Housing, Buildings and Transport Infrastructure (Completed)
Completion/expected date: October 2018
Main participating organisations: SBEnrc
Project goals and objectives: This project will determine the broad asset management information requirements across the housing, buildings and transport infrastructure sectors covering both existing and new assets. The research will develop a digital asset information paradigm that will facilitate the flow of information from asset procurement to asset management, and support the evaluation of existing asset information.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Approach, methodology:
The project will investigate how to use digital asset information modelling to better capture critical data and map relevant processes needed to facilitate informed and timely decisions. The research will determine the commonalities in asset information provision, management and evaluation across the building, housing and transport sectors to address cultural and data structure issues that obstruct the full benefits residing within asset data sets.
The project will focus on:
1) Asset information requirements (AIR) to capture relevant data and information needed for effective asset management, with an emphasis on commonalities between housing, buildings and transport infrastructure;
2) Digital Asset Information Modelling (DAIM) to identify the optimal form and structure of data specified in the AIR that will facilitate interoperability between various asset management software applications including Building Information Management (BIM) and Digital Engineering (DE);
3) A Digital Asset Information Delivery Manual (DAIDM) that will consolidate AIR and DAIM requirements into a practical guide for preparing and managing asset information using digital technologies; and
4) Issues of industry culture and process that need to evolve for the effective and efficient implementation of the best practice methodology presented in the Manual.
Project contacts:
Name: Prof Keith Hampson
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 0414 642 288 or 08 9266 4788
SBEnrc – Project 2.64 Unlocking Facility Value through Lifecycle Thinking
Completion/expected date: March 2020
Main participating organisations: SBEnrc
Project goals and objectives: The aim of this project is to use smart digital frameworks to appropriately capture the information required for key decisions made across the lifecycle of facilities in the housing, buildings, transport, utilities and airport sectors, through developing an automated integrated system for asset management.
The specific objectives are to:
- Address the industry challenge of integrating different digital platforms throughout the facility lifecycle for making decisions that suit the overall duration of the lifecycle.
- Identify the role of artificial intelligence in models through the various lifecycle phases of planning, design, construction and asset management to better understand and visualise the impacts of decisions.
- Facilitate education for industry and the broader community on the needs and methods of lifecycle thinking, not only for the purpose of a project’s planning and delivery, but also for the operation and maintenance phases of facilities, unlocking their long-term value.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Approach, methodology: Meetings through a dedicated working group. A review of existing Australian public agency BIM specifications.
Project contacts:
Name: Associate Professor Peng Wu
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
BIM Education – Global 2023 Update Report
In January 2014 NATSPEC issued the first version of a report summarising the status of BIM education in several countries and regions across the globe. The report has been updated and reissued each year since, with this report being version 9.0 of what is now an annual update to the original report.
For the full report click here.
BIM Education – Global 2023 Update Report
In January 2014 NATSPEC issued the first version of a report summarising the status of BIM education in several countries and regions across the globe. The report has been updated and reissued each year since, with this report being version 9.0 of what is now an annual update to the original report.
For the full report click here.
SBEnrc – Project 2.64 Unlocking Facility Value through Lifecycle Thinking
Completion/expected date: March 2020
Main participating organisations: SBEnrc
Project goals and objectives: The aim of this project is to use smart digital frameworks to appropriately capture the information required for key decisions made across the lifecycle of facilities in the housing, buildings, transport, utilities and airport sectors, through developing an automated integrated system for asset management.
The specific objectives are to:
- Address the industry challenge of integrating different digital platforms throughout the facility lifecycle for making decisions that suit the overall duration of the lifecycle.
- Identify the role of artificial intelligence in models through the various lifecycle phases of planning, design, construction and asset management to better understand and visualise the impacts of decisions.
- Facilitate education for industry and the broader community on the needs and methods of lifecycle thinking, not only for the purpose of a project’s planning and delivery, but also for the operation and maintenance phases of facilities, unlocking their long-term value.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Approach, methodology: Meetings through a dedicated working group. A review of existing Australian public agency BIM specifications.
Project contacts:
Name: Associate Professor Peng Wu
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SBEnrc – Project 2.51 Digital Asset Information Management for Housing, Buildings and Transport Infrastructure (Completed)
Completion/expected date: October 2018
Main participating organisations: SBEnrc
Project goals and objectives: This project will determine the broad asset management information requirements across the housing, buildings and transport infrastructure sectors covering both existing and new assets. The research will develop a digital asset information paradigm that will facilitate the flow of information from asset procurement to asset management, and support the evaluation of existing asset information.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Approach, methodology:
The project will investigate how to use digital asset information modelling to better capture critical data and map relevant processes needed to facilitate informed and timely decisions. The research will determine the commonalities in asset information provision, management and evaluation across the building, housing and transport sectors to address cultural and data structure issues that obstruct the full benefits residing within asset data sets.
The project will focus on:
1) Asset information requirements (AIR) to capture relevant data and information needed for effective asset management, with an emphasis on commonalities between housing, buildings and transport infrastructure;
2) Digital Asset Information Modelling (DAIM) to identify the optimal form and structure of data specified in the AIR that will facilitate interoperability between various asset management software applications including Building Information Management (BIM) and Digital Engineering (DE);
3) A Digital Asset Information Delivery Manual (DAIDM) that will consolidate AIR and DAIM requirements into a practical guide for preparing and managing asset information using digital technologies; and
4) Issues of industry culture and process that need to evolve for the effective and efficient implementation of the best practice methodology presented in the Manual.
Project contacts:
Name: Prof Keith Hampson
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 0414 642 288 or 08 9266 4788
ABAB BIM Process Consistency Report (Completed)
Completion date: November 2018
Main participating organisations: Australasian BIM Advisory Board (ABAB) and member organisations.
Project goals and objectives: To develop a BIM process consistency framework, with government organisations and the private sector, that sets the national standard for BIM implementation. Encouraging BIM process consistency represents the construction sector’s greatest opportunity to realise the benefits of BIM
Expected audience:
• Government agencies with BIM strategy responsibility
• National and local public clients/procurers
• Government, operators and owners with built asset responsibilities
• Private sector construction industry consultants
• Other stakeholders across the life of the built asset or environment.
Approach, methodology: Meetings through a dedicated working group. A review of existing Australian public agency BIM specifications.
Project contacts:
Executive Director, APCC;
Tel: 02 6285 2255
Executive Director, ACIF
Tel: 1300 854 543
ABAB AIR Guide (Completed)
Completion date: December 2018
Main participating organisations: Australasian BIM Advisory Board (ABAB) and member organisations.
Project goals and objectives: To develop a Guide to assist clients and their consultants define their information requirements to take advantage of BIM’s capacity to capture and deliver asset data.
The intent of the Guide is to assist the asset information requirements (AIR) definition process by providing a common framework for discussions between clients and their consultants, and providing sufficient coverage of the factors influencing the selection of asset information for them to make informed decisions.
Expected audience:
• clients, their agents and lead consultants who have relatively limited experience in using BIM to deliver information for operational purposes
• clients who do not have well-developed statements of organisational information requirements (OIR), asset management strategies, AIR, existing data standards, etc.
Approach, methodology: Meetings through a dedicated working group.
Project contacts:
Executive Director, APCC;
Tel: 02 6285 2255
Executive Director, ACIF
Tel: 1300 854 543
SBEnrc - Project 3.48 Sustainable Asset Management - Selecting Optimal Maintenance Strategies Based on Multi-criteria Decision Making
Expected Completion date: March 2017
Main participating organisations: Aurecon, Curtin University, Kyung Hee University, Main Roads WA, QLD Department of Housing and Public Works, Swinburne University.
Project goals and objectives:
- Improve the current life-cycle cost method used in infrastructure asset management to a life-cycle cost and benefit method, by including indirect costs, such as user costs and benefits. Mathematical modelling of two major environmental impacts – emissions and waste – will also be done.
- Develop a computerised application (validated in the dTIMS environment) to support optimal maintenance strategy selection based on the aforementioned modelling and a set of priorities on cost, performance and environmental considerations.
Context: It is of critical importance to ensure that asset management plans represent the reality of current conditions and the prediction of road performance fits the real behaviour of assets, so that loss of productivity due to misallocation of maintenance funds is avoided. This project aims to develop an innovative and effective approach to integrating life-cycle cost, infrastructure performance and environmental considerations into infrastructure asset management to generate optimal maintenance plans.
Proposed deliverables: Industry reports, academic publications and research reports; a practical framework and computerised tool to select optimal maintenance strategies based on life cycle cost, performance and environmental considerations.
Planned activity 2016: literature review, case studies, development of computerised tool.
Expected audience: clients, architects, engineers, contractors, asset managers, Standards Australia, all stakeholders.
Approach: A mixed methods approach is being used including: a comprehensive literature review to identify inputs and outputs; development of a work zone traffic delay model and integration of costs, performance and environmental considerations following multi-criteria decision making; case studies; development and validation of the computerised tool.
Project contact:
Name: Prof Xiangyu Wang
Position: Project 3.48 Leader; Woodside Chair, Curtin University
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 08 9266 9059 or 0416 683 029
SBEnrc - Project 2.46 Whole-of-life Value of Constructed Assets through Digital Technologies
Expected Completion date: March 2017
Main participating organisations: AIB/PDC Group, Aurecon, buildingSMART/Fileon Investments, Bremer+Company, BUILT, Civil Contractors Federation WA, Civil Contractors of New Zealand, Curtin University, Engineers Australia, Government of WA (Building Management & Works and Building Commission), Griffith University, IFMA/Rider Levett Bucknall (NSW), John Holland Group, Main Roads WA, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), NATSPEC, NSW Roads and Maritime Services, QLD Department of Housing and Public Works, QLD Transport and Main Roads, SIBA/Bennett and Bennett, Transport for NSW.
Project goals and objectives:
- Develop an online benchmarking system that can be used for monitoring and measuring performance outcomes of the built environment across procurement, processes, people, and sustainability and future-proofing.
- Develop knowledge to inform strategy on impacts of disruptive technologies likely to change the way constructed community assets are delivered and operated, thereby future-proofing asset investment decisions.
- Assess the skills needs and appropriate industry dissemination implications of items 1 and 2.
Context: Throughout the lifecycle of community assets, new digital technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) can provide benefits that are not yet being taken full advantage of. Outcomes from this project will provide a basis for stakeholders to improve their approach to implementing digital built environment and associated technologies, and monitoring their progress towards a fully integrated whole-of-life asset management system.
Proposed deliverables: Industry reports, academic publications and research reports. On-line benchmarking system.
Planned activity 2016: Interviews with end-users and focus groups; literature review; investigation of disruptive technologies such as large-scale 3D printing, self-assembly and self-procuring.
Expected audience: clients, architects, engineers, contractors, QSs, asset managers, all stakeholders.
Approach: The validation phase of the research will include three case studies with interviews with end-users to gain insight into existing skill levels, gap analysis and upgrading requirements. The research will also include a literature review and desktop research, and will propose a dissemination strategy.
Project contact:
Name: Prof Keith Hampson
Position: Project 2.46 Leader; CEO SBEnrc
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 0414 642 288 or 08 9266 4788
ACIF-APCC - PTI and BIM Knowledge Hub - Benefits and Resources
Completion date: On-going.
Main participating organisations: ACIF and APCC members.
Project goals and objectives: Undertake a scan for the purpose of developing an electronic Knowledge Hub – Benefits and Resources (collection point) for materials associated with both PTI and BIM.
Include materials such as:
- Baseline benchmarking
- Case studies
- Research undertaken internationally and in Australia, for example the McGraw Hill Report; NBS Newcastle; and NZ benchmarking
- Relevant URLs
- A bibliography
- Updated Conspectus of BIM Initiatives
- Updated Pithy Case of the Benefits of BIM
Planned 2015/2016 activity: Ongoing sourcing of resources.
Expected audience: All APCC members and relevant organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Approach, methodology: Meetings through a dedicated working group managed by NATSPEC.
Project contacts:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director, APCC;
Richard Choy, Chief Executive NATSPEC
Tel: 1300 797 142, 02 9321 7200
APCC - BIM Knowledge Networks
Completion date: On-going.
Main participating organisations: APCC.
Project goals and objectives: To facilitate the exchange of experiences and intelligence to support public sector agencies adoption of BIM.
Description: APCC has sourced and invited people who are working or have an interest in the development, technical and commercial aspects of BIM adoption and project team integration in Australasia. The Network’s purpose is to collaborate and share information, and also understanding current challenges in relation to BIM use on projects currently underway.
Context: To promote closer collaboration to make the best use of jurisdictional resources.
This work is part of a wider commitment by the APCC to identify government priorities in respect to improving efficiencies, productivity and the increased use innovation.
Proposed deliverables: Provision a BIM "Knowledge Network".
Planned 2015/2016 activity: Ongoing regular 8 week meetings.
Expected audience: APCC members and other invited public sector guests.
Approach, methodology: Meetings of a dedicated working group and relevant stakeholders.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
ACIF-APCC - Australasian BIM Advisory Board (ABAB)
Completion date: On-going.
Main participating organisations: APCC, ACIF, buildingSmart, and NATSPEC.
Project goals and objectives: APCC and ACIF have identified a fundamental gap in the coordination of harmonised Australasian BIM standards, protocols, systems and tools, guidance and training.
As the adoption of BIM accelerates in Australasia, it is critical for government and the construction industry to work together to maximise the value of BIM to deliver improved efficiencies and productivity and increased innovation in the management, design, construct and operation phases of a construction activity.
The ABAB seeks to address this.
Context: Coordination and development of harmonised BIM data formats, standards, protocols, systems and tools and the development of appropriate guidance and training that are adopted by both the private and public sectors across all disciplines.
Proposed deliverables: Harmonised BIM standards, protocols, systems and tools, guidance and training.
Planned 2015/2016 activity: The establishment of the Board (ABAB). Identification and engagement of members. Invitation to NZ to be a member. Initial Board meetings. Development of strategy.
Expected completion date: Ongoing.
Expected audience: Australasia and international.
Approach, methodology: Meetings of a dedicated Board and relevant stakeholders. Contributions from APCC, ACIF, buildingSmart, NATSPEC and Austroads members.
Project contacts:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
James Cameron, Executive Director, ACIF
John Mitchell, Chairman, buildingSmart
Richard Choy, Chief Executive NATSPEC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255 (Interim Secretariat, APCC)
ACIF-APCC - Guide to Successful Project and Asset Delivery - Getting it Right Up Front
Completion date: June 2015.
Main participating organisations: ACIF and APCC.
Project goals and objectives: Develop a guide articulating processes involved in planning, designing and constructing capital works assets.
Description: The Guide also includes existing complementary resources produced by ACIF and APCC available to inform those processes. The focus of the Guide is the front end of projects – project initiation, project delivery planning, delivery team procurement, and project delivery. It does not deal in detail with the full span of project management techniques or practices.
Planned 2015/2016 activity: Ongoing promotion throughout government and industry as the “how to” guide in delivering projects and asset management in Australasia.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Approach, methodology: Development through Peter Barda, Executive Director, ACIF and Jane Montgomery-Hribar, Director Special Projects APCC.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
buildingSMART - National BIM Initiative Report (Completed)
Start date: 2012
Status: Complete
Background: During a series of buildingSMART MESH conferences in early 2011 held to follow up on the implications of the Productivity in the Buildings Network report, six areas were identified as requiring priority attention to accelerate the adoption of BIM in the Australian built environment sector.
buildingSMART Australasia conducted stakeholder consultation workshops in early 2012 in across Australia. The workshop participants unanimously endorsed the need for national action on the six areas identified as a matter of priority. They also proposed a number of further key recommendations which are summarised in a report to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE). The report details 7 project work programs:
- Procurement contracts that support collaborative BIM processes.
- BIM Guidelines.
- BIM Education.
- Product Data and BIM Libraries.
- Process and Data Exchange protocols.
- Regulatory Frameworks.
- Pilot Projects
Read more about the Initative and download a copy of the report.
buildingSMART - BIM survey (Completed)
Start date: 2010
Status: Complete
NATSPEC hosted a survey on current patterns of use of BIM in Australia as part of the economic study commissioned by the Australian Government’s Built Environment Industry Innovation Council (BEIIC) to examine the potential for BIM to improve the productivity of the building sector. (See BEIIC BIM Economic study.)
See a summary of the survey results in Chapter 5 of the BEIIC study report. Click on the link at bottom of page to download
BEIIC - BIM economic study (Completed)
Start date: 2010
Status: Complete
NATSPEC participated in discussions for this study commissioned by the Australian Government’s Built Environment Industry Innovation Council (BEIIC) to examine the potential for BIM to improve the productivity of the building sector.
The result of the study was a report co-funded by buildingSMART Australia, the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) and others entitled Productivity in the Buildings Network: Assessing the Impacts of Building Information Models (Allen Consulting Group, 2010), which found that accelerating the adoption of building information modelling (BIM) in the Australian built environment sector could improve productivity.
Read more about the report. Click on the link at bottom of page to download
AIA-CA - BIM in Practice documents
Project name: BIM in Practice documents
Completion/expected completion date: October 2013
Main participating organisations: AEC Connect, AMCA, BSA, Geyer, Hellier McFarland, Jackson Roxburgh, NATSPEC, PTA, V-Mark Design.
Project goals and objectives: To explain in clear language, from a practitioner’s point of view, some of the benefits, issues, costs and hurdles when implementing a BIM methodology into the business and projects of specialist sub-contractors and trades, Surveyors and Interior Designers.
Context: A large proportion of practitioners are still unfamiliar with BIM and the benefits it offers.
Proposed deliverables: Three publications which complement the suite of 22 papers published late in 2012. They are:
• BIM for Specialist sub-contractors and trades.
• Surveying for BIM.
• BIM for Interior Designers.
Planned 2014 activity: None. Publications completed.
Expected audience: All design, construction and facility management stakeholders.
Project contact:
Name: Dominik Holzer
Position: Editor
Tel: 03 9639 9199
Links: All papers are available for free download from
ACIF-APCC - The Project Team Integration Workbook (Completed)
Completion date: March 2014
Main participating organisations: ACIF and APCC
Project goals and objectives: Provide the industry with a "Roadmap" to integration of project teams, including a concise abstract of the benefits of earlier engagement of constructors in project teams, to work with designers and other client-appointed consultants to deliver required functionality within required time and budget limits.
Description: The Workbook provides a checklist for project sponsors, designers and constructors to assess the degree to which they are able to integrate a project team, and identifies issues that need to be addressed to deliver optimal project outcomes. The focus is on the behaviours needed to ensure the project team works collaboratively and efficiently, with each member respecting the contribution of other members.
The Workbook also provides a framework for the decision-making required by the project team to enable the collaborative behaviour that needs to become the norm - “the way we do things here”.
Context: ACIF and its government counterpart the Australasian Procurement & Construction Council (APCC) have for several years collaborated on producing tools to help industry adopt and get the best from BIM. Their focus has been on the behavioural and management tools needed to best create and manage project teams, optimise the contribution of individual team members to achieving client objectives, and achieve excellent project outcomes.
ACIF and APCC have focused on maximising the level of project team integration to best utilise the power of BIM for design materials handling and buildability, construction, and asset maintenance.
Deliverables: A published document, available in limited hard copy and soft copy i.e. pdf files available from the ACIF and APCC web sites, and those of their member organisations.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
UWS - Glossary Manager Stage 2
Start date: 2011
Status: Active
Following the successful preliminary testing of the Glossary Manager software during Stage 1 of the project, NATSPEC is inviting industry organisations to submit glossaries of terms for inclusion in the Glossary Manager. This application, developed by the School of Computing in the University of Western Sydney (UWS), will compare the glossaries so that differences in the definitions they assign to similar or identical terms can be identified and inconsistencies resolved.
NATSPEC - New Zealand BIM Handbook (Completed)
Project name: New Zealand BIM Handbook (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: July 2014
Main participating organisations: NATSPEC was commissioned to produce a draft document for the NZ BIM Handbook Sub-Committee of the National Technical Standards Committee as part of the New Zealand Government Building and Construction Sector Productivity Partnership initiative.
Project goals and objectives: To create an industry wide Handbook that could be used to achieve the following:
- Promote the use of BIM throughout the project lifecycle.
- Create a common language for the industry to use.
- Clarify the briefing process for designers and constructors.
- Improve the level of coordination in both design and construction phases.
- Create a clear path for the future development of the industry.
Context: The New Zealand Government had a desire to increase the productivity of the building sector. Formalised adoption of a BIM approach to building design, construction and operation was seen as one way of achieving this.
Proposed deliverables: A National BIM Handbook.
Planned 2014 activity: Release of the Handbook finalised by the Handbook Sub-Committee.
Expected audience: NZ industry stakeholders.
Approach, methodology: Literature review, desktop research, stakeholder workshops and stakeholder and Sub-Committee reviews of drafts.
Project contact:
Name: Neil Greenstreet
Position: Senior Architect
Tel: 02 9321 7200
CRC-CI - National Guidelines for Digital Modelling (Completed)
Start date: 2009
Status: Complete
NATSPEC participated in discussions and commented on draft documents during the development of the guideline and case study documents. The Guidelines were developed to initiate discussion and involvement across the Australian construction industry on the collaborative use of BIM in order to encourage the development and adoption of common national standards of practice.
Read more and download Guidelines and Case Studies from the project page
buildingSMART - National BIM Initiative WG 2: BIM Guidelines
Project name: National BIM Initiative Working Group 2: BIM Guidelines
Completion/expected completion date: June 2014.
Main participating organisations: AEC consultant organisations, contractors, NATSPEC, technical information providers, tertiary education institutions.
Project goals and objectives: Develop Australian technical codes and standards for BIM. Consistent application of standards are essential for interoperability and collaboration between BIM model authors.
Context: Following a series of MESH conferences in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne in early 2011, six priority areas were identified as requiring attention to accelerate the adoption of BIM in the Australian built environment sector. As a result, National BIM Initiative (NBI) Working Groups were formed in order to address these areas as part of the NBI Implementation Plan. The findings of these Working Groups were documented in a report to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education in mid 2012. With the failure of the Federal Government to support the report’s recommendations with funding, buildingSMART formed Working groups in August 2013 to progress three of the six recommendations: BIM Guidelines, IPD and Object Libraries.
Proposed deliverables: A report on the BIM guidelines and standards needed to facilitate interoperability of model data and collaboration between BIM project stakeholders. The report is to be tabled at a conference being held in Sydney over 11-12th June 2014.
Planned 2014 activity: Development of report content through shared on-line resources, web conferences and face-to-face meetings.
Expected audience: All stakeholders in BIM projects.
Approach, methodology: Research, sharing experience and expertise.
Project contact:
Name: Scott Beazley
Position: Chair
Tel: 07 3327 5000
buildingSMART - Global BIM Guide Wiki
Project name: buildingSMART International Global BIM Guide Wiki
Responsible organisation: buildingSMART International Process Room
Project objectives: To create an editable, searchable list of currently available BIM guidelines and standards. Guides will be reviewed, compared and categorised using a consistent framework. The end goal is to use the Wiki resources to formulate an international framework for BIM guidelines based on real-world procedures and industry requirements.
buildingSMART - Data Dictionary (bSDD)
Project name: buildingSMART International Data Dictionary (bSDD) (previously known as International Framework of Dictionaries (IFD))
Responsible organisation: buildingSMART International
Project objectives: The bSDD, originally known as the International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD), is a mechanism that allows for creation of multilingual dictionaries or ontologies. It is a reference library intended to support improved interoperability in the building and construction industry, and is one of the core components of the buildingSMART data standards programme. The objective of the project is to develop the data resources that constitute bSDD content and the tools for utilising this data. NATSPEC is a bSDD Observer organisation.
buildingSMART - National BIM Initiative WG 1: Integrated Project Delivery
Project name: National BIM Initiative Working Group 1: Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
Completion/expected completion date: June 2014.
Main participating organisations: AEC consultant organisations, contractors, legal consultant organisations, NATSPEC, tertiary education institutions.
Project goals and objectives: Develop industry protocols for information exchange, including geospatial information, to underpin BIM and collaborative practice.
Context: Following a series of MESH conferences in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne in early 2011, six priority areas were identified as requiring attention to accelerate the adoption of BIM in the Australian built environment sector. As a result, National BIM Initiative (NBI) Working Groups were formed in order to address these areas as part of the NBI Implementation Plan. The findings of these Working Groups were documented in a report to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education in mid 2012. With the failure of the Federal Government to support the report’s recommendations with funding, buildingSMART formed Working groups in August 2013 to progress three of the six recommendations: BIM Guidelines, IPD and Object Libraries.
Proposed deliverables: A report outlining industry protocols for information exchange, including geospatial information, to underpin BIM and collaborative practice. The report is to be tabled at a conference being held in Sydney over 11-12th June 2014.
Planned 2014 activity: Development of report content through shared on-line resources, web conferences and face-to-face meetings.
Expected audience: All stakeholders in BIM projects.
Approach, methodology: Research, sharing experience and expertise.
Project contact:
Name: Andrew Orford
Position: Chair
Tel: 07 3119 6404
SBEnrc - Project 2.24 Integrated Project Environments (Completed)
Project name: Project 2.24 Integrated Project Environments
Completion date: July 2014
Main participating organisations: SBEnrc, QTMR, NSW RMS, WA Dept of Finance, John Holland, Curtin University, Griffith University, Swinburne University; EA, buildingSmart and CCF
Project goals and objectives: (i) Develop a national public procurement strategy; (ii) Develop guidelines for new contractual frameworks; (iii) Close or reduce skill gaps especially for SMEs, within the context of IPD and BIM in Australia’s transport infrastructure construction industry
Context: This research will contribute to realising productivity benefits of digital modelling and integrated project delivery for the Australian construction industry through a focus on the use of building information modelling (BIM) and virtual design and construction (VDC) in the delivery of transport infrastructure projects.
Deliverables: Research and Industry reports, academic publications that bring an understanding of (i) the institutional environment required for the uptake of BIM/ VDC especially in relation to procurement in an integrated project environment, to maximise productivity benefits of digital modelling; and (ii) the role of knowledge intermediaries in facilitating skilling and training for the uptake of these technologies.
Integrated Project Environments – Briefing Report for Industry
Integrated Project Environments: Leveraging Innovation for Productivity Gain through Industry Transformation – Final Report for Industry
Towards a National Strategy: Research Report 1 SBEnrc - Integrated Project Environments
Document Review: Research Report 2 SBEnrc - Integrated Project Environments
Reducing the Skills Gap: Research Report 3 SBEnrc - Integrated Project Environments
Kraatz JA, Sanchez AX, Hampson KD (2014) Digital Modeling, Integrated Project Delivery and Industry Transformation: An Australian Case Study, Buildings, 4(3): 453-466
Sanchez AX, Kraatz JA, Hampson KD and Loganathan S (2014) BIM for Sustainable Whole-of-life Transport Infrastructure Asset Management. Paper presented at IPWEA Sustainability in Public Works Conference, 27-29 July, Tweed Heads, Australia.
BIM a Transformative Enabling Technology, Engineers Australia 22 July 14
Driving Building Information Modelling (BIM) uptake, Engineers Australia, 19 August 14
Milestones for Implementation of Integrated Project Environments, Engineers Australia, 8 September 14
YouTube Video: BIM for Business Event – Presentation Playlist
YouTube Video: BIM for Sustainable Whole-of-life Transport Infrastructure Asset Management
Planned 2016 activity: None.
Expected audience: Clients, architects, engineers, contractors, QSs, all project stakeholders.
Approach, methodology: Desktop research, interviews, case studies
Project contact:
Name: Adriana Sanchez
Position: Research Associate
Tel: 07 3735 9242
Dept of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (SA) - BIM Requirements and Procedures
Project Name: Building Management Building Information Modelling (BIM) Requirements and Procedures.
Project Goals and Objectives: To develop the use and implementation of BIM on nominated projects for Building Management (BM) a division in the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI).
Context: Through forums with Building Management, local South Australian industry has requested that SA Government provide a position relating to the requirements and use of BIM on government projects.
Proposed Deliverables: To define the BIM requirements and procedures for various size projects for Building Management, and develop project specific BIM briefs.
Planned 2014 Activity: Launch of Building Management BIM requirements and procedure documents, and the development of project specific BIM briefs as part of the overall briefing for new projects.
Expected Audience: To educate Lead Professional Service Contractors (LPSC), Discipline Professional Service Contractors (DPSC) and client agencies in the use of BIM.
Approach, Methodology: BM’s BIM requirements are based on the NATSPEC National BIM Guide and Project BIM Brief:
- Surveys conducted with LPSCs, DPSCs and General Building Contractors (GBC)
- Consulted with Facilities Managers, Records Management, IT Specialists
- Research of current BIM policy documents from interstate and overseas.
Pilot Project: The Kensington Special School Relocation project ($9 million project value) was trialled to develop BM’s BIM Requirements and the Core BIM Brief. The 3D modelling was undertaken in association with Russell Yelland Architects to define what level of development and building information is required for projects of this size.
Detailed energy modelling using Autodesk Ecotect Analysis design tool was undertaken by GHD to analyse the building’s energy performance, thermal, water usage, and for daylight modelling. 3D Modelling also established the effectiveness of providing geothermal heat exchange ducts buried below ground to reduce the running costs of the A/C system.
BIM Implementation Process: The following flow chart outlines the process in determining the use and level of BIM required for all new projects and will be reviewed on a 6-monthly basis.
Project Contact:
Name: Ralph Hems
Position: Senior Architect
Tel: 08 8226 5204
Dept of Health and Human Services (TAS) - Strategic Implementation of BIM (Completed)
Project Name: Strategic Implementation of BIM for Department of Health and Human Services
Completion Date: 31 December 2014
Participating organisation: Department of Health and Human Services (Tasmania)
Project Goals and Objectives: Update information management processes within the Department to capture and manage building information collected during building design and construction (and for existing buildings as practicable) to improve building management, operations and maintenance.
- Achieve triple bottom line benefits for the Department through realisation of contemporary best practice BIM practices and processes.
- Contribute toward the Tasmanian Government’s adoption of the National Building Information Modelling Initiative as proposed in “Climate Smart Tasmania: A 2020 Climate Change Strategy”, requiring from 1 July 2016 that:
- new construction and major renovations of Tasmanian Government buildings be undertaken using collaborative 3D BIM (with all project and asset information, documentation and data being electronic); and
- asset creation and operating information be based on open standards for information exchange.
Planned 2014 Activity:
- Complete a pilot project run on a three story car park utilising BIM processes.
- Migrate agency built asset information to BIM-enabled database supported processes.
- Test the market for BIM-capable Computer Aided Facility Management systems best able to support the Department’s future needs.
Expected Audience:
- Senior management, Department of Health and Human Services
- Tasmanian Government Spatial Committee
Approach, Methodology:
- Participate with interstate counterparts to identify best practices for implementation.
- Complete case study on BIM pilot run for construction of three story car park.
Project Contact:
Name: Wayne Eastley
Position: Manager, Asset Sustainability, Department of Health and Human Services
Tel: 03 6233 3225
ACIF-APCC - Building and Construction Procurement Guide: PTI and BIM
Completion date: June 2015
Main participating organisations: ACIF, APCC, NATSPEC, Department of Finance (NSW), Department of Treasury (WA), Department of Health Infrastructure (NSW), Department of Treasury and Finance (VIC), Cox Architecture representing AIA.
Project goals and objectives: Develop a Procurement Models and Application of PTI and BIM Options Guide (BIM Procurement Guide) articulating:
- How to integrate BIM into each procurement model;
- Different Roles and Responsibilities for each party; and
- Other inclusions and considerations:
- Supply chain and life cycle benefits
- Procurement can be the lever to improve asset management
- Greater focus on small building projects
- What is the best BIM solution for each project (bespoke projects)
- Retrofit BIM for facilities management
Consider a phased approach to introducing BIM on building projects / articulating the different stages:
- Opportunities to introduce PTI and BIM
- How to structure contractual arrangements to accommodate PTI and BIM – best practice
- Case studies to illustrate how BIM can be applied
- As a client, what should you know at each of three BIM adoption levels (based on the UK Maturity Model)
Planned 2016/2017 activity: Ongoing promotion throughout government and industry as the “how to” guide in adoption of PTI and BIM in Australasia.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Approach, methodology: Development through a dedicated working group.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
buildingSMART - National BIM Initiative WG 3: Object Libraries
Project name: National BIM Initiative Working Group 3: Object Libraries
Completion/expected completion date: June 2014.
Main participating organisations: AEC consultant organisations, AEC professional representative organisations, building product manufacturers, NATSPEC, product information providers, technical information providers, software vendors.
Project goals and objectives:
- Review the NBS National BIM Library from the UK and assess its potential to be used in Australasia. Examine local industry Object Content Guidelines prepared by ANZRS including a review by Graphisoft & Bentley to assess its more general application across all BIM vendors.
- Explain the need for classification systems for built environment stakeholders in the context of object libraries.
- Recommend the most appropriate classification systems for Australia and New Zealand. Two systems – Omniclass and Uniclass2 – will be examined in detail.
- In the context of the buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD), contribute to the international bSDD team’s pilot project, examining the definition of properties for two common building objects - a ceiling tile system, and a VAV box for building services. Examples of the bSDD’s application include local work at QUT and some European tools such as bimSync - which allows a BIM authoring tool to query the types of external walling or available products in a model, or an Austrian tool which provides a means for building product information brokers to develop a National dictionary. The WG will also engage with product manufacturers.
Context: Following a series of MESH conferences in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne in early 2011, six priority areas were identified as requiring attention to accelerate the adoption of BIM in the Australian built environment sector. As a result, National BIM Initiative (NBI) Working Groups were formed in order to address these areas as part of the NBI Implementation Plan. The findings of these Working Groups were documented in a report to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education in mid 2012. With the failure of the Federal Government to support the report’s recommendations with funding, buildingSMART formed Working groups in August 2013 to progress three of the six recommendations: BIM Guidelines, IPD and Object Libraries.
Proposed deliverables: A report outlining a framework and relevant standards for product information and model objects to be included in the National Object Library. The report is to be tabled at a conference being held in Sydney over 11-12th June 2014.
Planned 2014 activity: Development of report content through shared on-line resources, web conferences and face-to-face meetings.
Expected audience: Consultants, contractors, building product manufacturers, product information providers, technical information providers, model content creators.
Approach, methodology: Research, sharing experience and expertise.
Project contact:
Name: John Mitchell
Position: WG3 Project Leader
Tel: 02 9922 3785
Name: Neil Greenstreet
Position: Classification sub-group chair
Tel: 02 9321 7200
Name: Ben Fox
Position: BIM Libraries sub-group chair
Tel: 03 9826 1786
Name: Alex Shaw
Position: bsDD sub-group chair
Tel: +64 (9) 631 7044
Project name: BIM-MEPAUS
Completion/expected completion date: Ongoing
Main participating organisations: Head Contractors, Specialist sub-contractors, design consultants, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, technology vendors.
Project goals and objectives: BIM-MEPAUS is a global leading industry initiative that strives to address many of the barriers holding back the adoption of building information modelling (BIM) in the Australian building and construction sector.
Whilst BIM-MEPAUS is intended to support all stakeholders in the Australian Construction and Property sectors through improved design and construction outcomes, the role of mechanical contractors throughout the design and construction process has always been important to the success of the project due to their traditional roles as lead coordinators and complexity of the mechanical services on most projects. AMCA members through their industry leadership and expertise in BIM enabled design and construction are best placed to support the property owners, developers and project design and construction teams to leverage BIM for improved project outcomes and long term facility management
Standards BIM-MEPAUS aims to publish a set of standards that can be used to ensure that BIM design models are precise and accurate, practices are applied consistently, and the sharing of information follows a predictable workflow that provides all parties to a project with confidence in the integrity of both the model and the process.
BIM-MEPAUS standards include:
• Specifications for plant, equipment and fittings
• Work practices (for example, standard operating procedures)
• Guideline documents
• Workflows
Practices BIM-MEPAUS practices will provide documented instructions for the performance of particular operations and functions throughout the BIM design process and workflow.
Specifications Specifications detail explicit sets of requirements to be satisfied by a design model of plant, equipment and fittings. Specifications will include requirements for the physical and mechanical properties of both the design and manufacturer models to be used within the Revit MEP software.
Guidelines BIM-MEPAUS guidelines provide a compendium of information or series of options to support the use of other BIM-MEPAUS standards such as specifications, practices and workflows.
Models BIM-MEPAUS models are the three-dimension representation of the various physical, functional and spatial characteristics (specifications) of a particular piece of plant, equipment or fitting. These models have been design in consultation with designers, manufacturers and suppliers to ensure the defined parameters are consistent in terms of design and application.
Workflows BIM-MEPAUS workflows promote the efficient transfer of building information throughout the project lifecycle. BIM-MEPAUS workflows achieve this by providing a clear pathway for the transfer of BIM models:
Design model -> Manufacturer model -> Constructible model -> Commissioned as-built model
Proposed deliverables: Refer to above.
Planned 2014 activity: Progressive release of practices, specifications and guidelines fortnightly.
BIM-MEPAUS Construction Innovation 2014 Forum – 7-8 August 2014, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Expected audience: MEP engineers, modellers, contractors and fabricators. MEP product manufacturers, suppliers and information providers.
Approach, methodology:
Other information:
Sydney Morning Herald | Measure twice; build once |
Building Industry Online | Construction innovation forum highlights potentials of BIM-MEP work flow system |
Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers | Wizards of Oz |
AIA/ Consult Australia | BIM for Specialist sub-contractors and trades |
A Proposed approach to comparing the BIM maturity of countries | Research Paper |
Business Value of BIM in Australia and NZ | McGraw Hill Construction (to be released 26 March 2014) |
Project contact:
Name: Sumit Oberoi
Position: Executive Director
Tel: 03 8831 2800
SBEnrc - Project 3.28:National BIM Guidelines and case studies for infrastructure
Project name: Project 3.28: National BIM guidelines and case studies for infrastructure
Completion/expected completion date: 30 September 2014
Main participating organisations: Curtin University, Swinburne University of Technology, Qld Dept of Transport and Main Roads, John Holland, and Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute
Project goals and objectives: The Project will:
- Develop National BIM Guidelines for Infrastructure based on experience and practical examples that promote consistency in the implementation of digital models for infrastructure projects. The Guidelines will support stakeholders in achieving interoperability throughout the lifecycle of the facility and will be based on internationally accepted standards.
- Highlight open and consistent processes allowing practitioners to work across industry in developing shared "virtual infrastructure" projects.
- Undertake at least six case studies where integrated digital models have been developed and use lessons to be gained from those case studies to assist in the development of the National Guidelines and uptake of BIM in infrastructure design, construction and asset management. The case studies including a selection of roads, bridges, tunnels, and railways will span facilities that are in design development and completion phase to capture learnings across the lifecycle.
- Collaborate with national and international groups including software vendors on the success and limitations of the available software with the intention of improving functionality and interoperability available.
- Test selected softwares "compatibility with the National Guidelines and inform industry and software vendors regarding their respective softwares" compatibility and availability in Australia.
- This project also aims to establish a taskforce with key stakeholders to manage a 2-year program for the delivery of the BIM Implementation Plan for Infrastructure across Australia.
Proposed deliverables:
- Literature review of existing relevant guidelines for screening.
- A framework of BIM guidelines with categories defined.
- An execution plan of organising workshops and soliciting industry feedback.
- Identify 6 BIM projects for case studies analysis across Queensland, WA, Victoria, and NSW (2-3 case studies per institution; Curtin, QUT and Swinburne)
- BIM Guidelines Alpha version: regular workshops and industry consultations
- Case studies implementation results
- BIM Guidelines Beta version
- Case studies implementation results
- Final guidelines/report release and dissemination workshops
Expected audience: Government, owners, operators, end-users, engineers, contractors, owners and facility managers involved in a project’s lifecycle.
Approach, methodology: The development of the guidelines and the implementation plan for infrastructure will be initially based on the existing BIM guidelines from the building and infrastructure industry, but validated through a series of rigorous research methodologies. These research instruments include questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, multiple case studies, Charrette workshops, and benchmarking, with which the research team will work closely with industrial partners from across Australia with participants representing a broad cross section of the Australian infrastructure industry (including clients, consultants, contractors, educators and government representatives).
Project contact:
Name: Xiangyu Wang
Position: Professor, Curtin-Woodside Chair Professor for Oil, Gas & LNG Construction and Project Management
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +61 8 9266 9059
Emergency Information Coordination Unit (NSW) - Building and Infrastructure 3D database
Project name: Building & Infrastructure 3D database
Completion/expected completion date: Ongoing as stakeholders request wider coverage outside the CBD
Main participating organisations: Ausgrid, Council of the City of Sydney, Emergency Functional Area Coordinators, Emergency Information Coordination Unit, Infrastructure protection regulators, Jemena, Police CT command, Roads and Maritime Services, Sydney Trains, Sydney Water, Telstra, Transport NSW, Underground service locating industry
Project goals and objectives: The Building and Infrastructure 3D database is the result of a joint venture between Council of the City of Sydney and the EICU including the collaboration of all the major infrastructure Agencies operating in the Sydney CBD. The objective of the project is to model and map all of the underground infrastructure for the CBD including the buildings both above and below ground in three dimensions. This includes all utility and tunnel information.
The model is intelligent and facilitates full attribute and 3-D spatial queries on all features which distinguishes it from the common fly through 3-D models that are generally used to represent the built environment. The 3-D buildings include contact details for owners and occupiers and the type of industries located within the building as well as documents and photos detailing floor plans, construction details, access points and other sensitive information about the building.
High interest buildings are captured as architectural models and translated into virtual environments for exercise scenarios and then imported into the GIS data model in real world coordinate systems.
Data from the 3D building and Infrastructure database has been used in the planning of major projects like the proposed Sydney Metro, The George St light rail and the City of Sydney’s Tri-generation Project.
The Sydney Down Under working group is a component of this project and it is made up of representatives from all stakeholders. The group meet monthly to monitor the progress of the 3D building and Infrastructure database and to investigate new and innovative spatial data technologies that have the potential to benefit the project as well as all stakeholder agencies.
Context: The project will deliver the following benefits:
- Planning of new infrastructure
- Emergency response
- Critical infrastructure protection
- Safety of public and responders
- Event management
- Better access and communication for all agencies
- Reduction in utility outages due to excavation errors
- Knowledge transfer between agencies
- Maintain awareness of the latest advances in technology in this field
Proposed deliverables: A 3D GIS model of the Sydney CBD showing all underground infrastructure and buildings above and below ground
Planned 2014 activity: Monthly workshops held and progress the model to include all utility and other underground infrastructure
Expected audience: Ausgrid, Council of the City of Sydney, Emergency Functional Area Coordinators, Emergency Information Coordination Unit, Infrastructure protection regulators, Jemena, Police CT command, Roads and Maritime Services, State Emergency Operation Centre, Police Operating Centre, State Crisis Centre, Sydney Trains, Sydney Water, Telstra, Transport NSW, Underground service locating industry
Approach, methodology: Cooperative research and in kind provision of resources.
Project contact:
Name: John Moore
Position: Manager EICU & Chair of the Sydney Down Under Working Group
Tel: 02 8236 7160
Dept of Transport and Main Roads (QLD) - BIM for TMR - Road Lighting
Project Name: BIM for TMR - Road Lighting
Completion/expected completion date: December 2014
Main participating organisations:
Project goals and objectives: To provide a proof of concept for implementing BIM for TMR. The scope of this project is limited to road lighting projects. This project aims to address using the electronic model throughout the entire project lifecycle (i.e. planning, design, construction and maintenance).
Key deliverables and planned 2014 activities:
1. Develop schema/specification to define road lighting designs in electronic model. (Stage 1 – expected completion: Jun 2014).
2. Modelling road lighting design in the electronic model. (Stage 1 – expected completion: Jun 2014).
3. Automating some design calculations. (Stage 1 – expected completion: Jun2014)
4. Reviewing/ streamline the design & approval process associated with road lighting. (Stage 2 – expected completion: Dec 2014).
5. Review the content in drawings required for submission/ approval. (Stage 2 – expected completion: Dec 2014).
6. Integration with TMR's asset management system. (Stage 2 – expected completion: Dec 2014).
Project Contact:
Name: Sudharsanan Loganathan
Position: Manager (CADD Development)
Phone: (07) 3066 7940
ACT Govt TAMS - Capital Works and Urban Development Map
Project name: Capital Works and Urban Development Map.
Completion/expected completion date: 30 June 2016.
Main participating organisations: Territory and Municipal Services Directorate (TAMS), Land Development Agency (LDA)
Project goals and objectives: Provide a spatial representation of TAMS Capital Works projects, Urban Developments and Heritage Sites.
Context: The project was driven by the need to better co-ordinate capital assets delivered through land developments and capital works. It was also to better inform Project Managers of impacts to their projects due to surrounding projects and reduce the risk in delivering projects for the ACT Government.
The work being undertaken by the AIMS AIG team at TAMS is closely aligned with the Digital Canberra Action Plan which sets out initiatives to assist in better engaging with citizens, being more open and transparent and delivering services more efficiently to meet the needs of the community.
Proposed deliverables: A public-facing map on the TAMS website.
Planned 2014 activity: Complete the integration of the TM1 and the IAMS. Develop the GIS map interface system.
Expected audience: TAMS Capital Works Project Managers, Directorate Asset Owner/Managers and local Development Agencies/Consultancies.
Approach, methodology: A 2 stage project commenced in 2014:
- Stage 1 (2014): Build a map for use with-in the ACT Government ICT environment.
- Stage 2 (2016): Utilising existing ACT Government ICT systems, develop a public facing map for the TAMS website.
Project contact:
Name: David Roulston
Position: Director of the Operational Support Branch (TAMS)
Tel: 02 6207 6628
FMA - Good Practice Guide for Building Information (Completed)
Project Name: Good Practice Guide for Building Information (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: Mid 2014
Project goals and objectives: The development of a technical guide which provides insight into the types of building information utilised in facilities management. It aims to set out the terms and definitions of building information which is utilised in the efficient and effective operational management of the facilities. It also provides the types of information required for differing purposes within the context of strategic, tactical and operational facilities management.
Proposed deliverables: The project aims to deliver both an electronic and hard copy guide book, including some specific checklists in worksheet format. The guide provides a range of pro forma and checklists for ensuring the type of information required to operate a facility has been identified.
Planned 2014 activity: Release of GPG.
Expected audience: The audience for the guide books are primarily facilities managers, however, architects and property owners are also key stakeholders.
Approach, methodology: Research developed report, industry expert moderated and published by FMA.
Project contact:
Name: John Casey
Position: National Policy Coordinator
Tel: 03 8641 6601
SBEnrc - Project 2.34: Driving Whole-of-life Efficiencies through BIM and Procurement (Completed)
Completed: November 2014
Main participating organisations: Aalto University Finland, Aurecon, Building SMART/Fileon Investment, Construction Skills QLD, Curtin University, Engineers Australia, Fletcher Construction, Government of WA (Building Management & Works and Building Commission), Griffith University, John Holland, New Zealand Contractors Federation, NSW Roads and Maritime Services, QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads.
Project goals and objectives: This project (2014 - 15) aimed to:
- Define indicators to measure tangible and intangible benefits of BIM across a project’s life-cycle in infrastructure and buildings; and
- Pilot test a whole-of-life BIM value realisation framework on leading infrastructure and building case studies and validate the NATSPEC National BIM Guide within this context.
Context: In 2014, the Australian Productivity Commission highlighted that a more widespread adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) could enhance productivity across the industry and have a positive impact on the cost structure of infrastructure projects. This project aimed to identify and assess the added value of creating industry benchmarks for implementing BIM in whole-of-life asset management, with a focus on procurement methods and efficiency gains for infrastructure and building.
- BIM Value - A free decision-support tool hosted by NATSPEC for maximising the benefits of BIM across the life-cycle of built assets - Industry Report - Driving Whole-of-life Efficiencies through BIM and Procurement - Nov 2015 - SBEnrc Project 2.34 Driving Whole-of-life Efficiencies through BIM and Procurement Factsheet - Dec 2014 - Sanchez AX, Hampson KD and Mohamed S (2015) Perth Children's Hospital - Case Study Report - Sanchez AX, Hampson KD and Mohamed S (2015) Sydney Opera House – Case Study Report - Utiome E, Mohamed S, Sanchez AX and Hampson KD (2015) New Generation Rollingstock Depot – Case Study Report
- Book: Sanchez AX, Hampson KD and Vaux S (2016) Delivering Value with BIM: A Whole-of-life Approach, Routledge, London, UK - Sanchez AX, Hampson KD and Mohamed S (2015) Measuring Benefits from BIM across Whole-of-life Asset Management, presented at the International Road Federation/Roads Australia Regional Conference Asia and Australasia, 04 May, Sydney, Australia. - Sanchez AX, Mohamed S and Hampson KD (2016) Delivering Value with BIM – A Whole-of-life Approach, presented at CIB World Building Congress 2016, 30 May - 3 June, Tampere, Finland.
Sanchez AX and Hampson KD (2015) Delivering Value with BIM, Earthmovers Magazine August 2015 Issue - Sanchez AX, Hampson KD and Mohamed S (2015) BIM Benefit Realisation Management and BIMValue, Earthmovers Magazine September Issue
- YouTube Video - Introduction to SBEnrc Project 2.34 Driving Whole-of-life Efficiencies through BIM and Procurement - YouTube Video - SBEnrc Project 2.34 Asset Management Case Study - Sydney Opera House, New South Wales - YouTube Video - SBEnrc Project 2.34 Design Case Study – New Generation Rollingstock Maintenance Centre, Queensland
Industry outcomes:
- BIM Value Realisation Framework and BIM Value, an interactive online tool hosted by NATSPEC to develop a benefit realisation and monitoring strategy, in line with NATSPEC National BIM Guide.
- Three Australian exemplar case studies across design, construction and asset management showcasing benefits, tools and metrics for uptake of BIM.
- Advanced knowledge base of benefits from transitioning from 2D asset management and delivery systems to 3D integrated digital built environments.
Expected audience: clients, architects, engineers, contractors, QSs, asset managers, all stakeholders.
Approach: The research involved a literature review and desktop research; case studies on:
- the Sydney Opera House,
- New Generation Railway Rollingstock Depot, and
- Perth Children’s Hospital; and a review of national and international procurement guidelines for using BIM in whole-of-life asset management.
Project contact:
Name: Prof Keith Hampson
Position: Project 2.34 Leader; CEO SBEnrc
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 0414 642 288 or 08 9266 4788
SBEnrc - Project 3.27: Using BIM for Smarter and Safer Scaffolding Construction (Completed)
Project name: Project 3.27: Using Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Smarter and Safer Scaffolding Construction
Completion date: September 2014
Main participating organisations: Curtin University, Seoul National University, Qld Dept of Transport and Main Roads, and John Holland
Project goals and objectives: This research will facilitate the design and construction of smarter and safer scaffolding through the use of rule-based modelling systems that link with existing Building Information Modelling (BIM) software and technology.
Context: It will develop digital modelling tools and processes that integrate construction and safety constraints directly into the design, analysis, assembly, inspection and disassembly of these temporary structures. Building on a QUT funded pilot study, this project will identify opportunities for improved safety practices and more efficient design and construction processes, both in Australia and Korea, and seek to extend the results to other parts of Australasia.
Proposed deliverables:
- A comprehensive understanding of practices related to the design and construction of temporary scaffolding structures.
- Digital modelling tools and processes that aid scaffolding design and construction to improve the safety, productivity and profitability of construction projects.
- Education and training requirements to facilitate the uptake of these digital modelling technologies and thus reduce workplace accidents while maximising social and business benefits for construction workers and organisations.
- Industry Report.
Planned 2016 activity: Finalisation of Final Industry Report.
Expected audience: All construction personnel, agencies and related organisations in Australia
Approach, methodology: The development and use of the proposed BIM-based tools for the design, analysis, assembly, inspection and disassembly of scaffolding structures to:
- Enable rule-based design in accordance with construction and safety requirements.
- Incorporate rule checks against related construction design and safety codes.
- Provide 6D information for design and construction activities, i.e. scheduling, cost and lifecycle-management information in addition to the 3D model.
- Provide visualisation of the installation procedure, design and installation options, and give working condition analyses, such as clearance limits within the surrounding environment.
- Link to structural analysis to evaluate non-standard site conditions.
- Provide BIM checklists for routine on-site inspections that would benefit practical safety assessment on construction sites.
Two construction sites were used for preliminary validation of the prototype BIM tool - one building construction project and one infrastructure project. These case studies were important for assessing the usability and practicality of the developed tool. The designers and contractors working on these case-study projects reviewed the new scaffolding software tools under the guidance of the researchers. They suggested further refinement and optimisation of the links between the various BIM-based modules to improve their application to real-life construction processes.
Project contact:
Name: Xiangyu Wang
Position: Professor, Curtin-Woodside Chair Professor for Oil, Gas & LNG Construction and Project Management
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +61 8 9266 9059
ICIS - International BIM Education Report
Project name: International BIM Education report
Completion/expected completion date: Updated annually since January 2014.
Main participating organisations: ICIS members and Asian organisations.
Project goals and objectives: To understand BIM education internationally and to share this information with international respondents to assist strategic planning with regard to BIM.
Context: Contributors either described the current level of BIM awareness/use in their country or the current level of training/tertiary education available.
Proposed deliverables: A report of findings available free at the NATSPEC website.
Expected audience: Educators. Professional organisations.
Approach, methodology: Questions were emailed to members of ICIS and others associated with BIM education. Responses were compiled and incorporated into the report.
Project contact:
Name: Kevin Rooney
Position: Senior Engineer
Tel: 02 9321 7200
[77 KB PDF] Download
CITB (SA) - A Practical Introductory Guide to BIM - Course and document
Project Name: Construction Industry Training Board Innovations Program: Building Information Modelling (BIM) Initiative, A Practical Introductory Guide to BIM (Version 2 October 2013) Course Book for Construction Workers
Completion dates:
- Pilot Course: a 2-day Course ran February 2011 – December 2011
- Version 1: a 2-day Course ran January 2012 – October 2013
- Version 2: a one-day Course introduced October 2013 and current.
- The project remains ongoing in the absence of a formal BIM training framework.
Main Participating Organisations: CITB Board comprising the following employer associations, unions and Ministerial nominees established a BIM User Group which included:
- Industry organisations: AMCA, BISCA, CCF, HIA, MBA, PIA, Property Council, AWU, CEPU and CFMEU.
- Government departments: DFEEST, DPTI, Housing and TAFE SA.
- Private companies: A number of small, medium and large commercial construction companies were represented.
Training arrangements: In addition to CITB, A2K Technologies and Redstack have been involved from 2011 to present. TAFE became involved through delivering training at New Royal Adelaide Hospital (NRAH) in 2013.
Project Goals and objectives: Provide BIM training to site workers in response to industry needs not otherwise being met.
Context: Vendor training generally associated with product sales at the introductory level.
Training by vendors and universities targeted at architects, engineers etc at the 3D design level but not the interpretive level, and not at ‘BIM’ as distinct from ‘3D design’.
Cost-prohibitive sales proposals and confusing advice from vendors in the market has been a major barrier to entry level engagement with BIM by Construction Workers on commercial sites.
Deliverables: The training course includes the following elements:
- Theory: Introduction to BIM.
- Practical: Use of Navisworks Freedom with exercises from the Flinders Cancer Hospital model (a BIM project).
- Practical: Use of Digital Layout Technology.
Version 2 of the Course has been two years in development and is based on what the industry wants, as actually experienced.
Planned 2016 activity:
- The BIM User Group will reform to assess the training requirements for Construction Workers.
- A Practical Introductory Guide to BIM (Version 2 October 2013) will continue and efforts will be increased to encourage workforce participation in the course.
- Course graduates to continue training in BIM through uptake of further levels of courses including MEP, Navisworks and Digital Layout Technology.
- Continue working on formal recognition of a qualification.
Expected audience: The full range of construction workers: Labourers through to building company owners.
Approach, methodology: CITB has drawn on its expertise in ensuring high quality courses for construction workers through subsidising course costs and influence on RTOs.
As no-one else has been able to establish a footprint course for construction workers to get going with BIM; CITB has designed a suitable course, trialled, delivered and continued to develop it. This provides a pathway to engagement with BIM.
The Course is a culmination of input from many parties and a primary goal of meeting industry needs by finding a way to deliver the required training.
CITB is endeavouring to find partners nationally or in other states or territories (ongoing battle).
Project Contact:
Name: Mark Gosden
Position: Manager, Operations
Tel: 08 8172 9500
Links and images:
AIA - WA BIM Committee
Project name: Western Australian BIM committee.
Completion/expected completion date: On-going.
Main participating organisations: Representatives from Architecture, Engineering, Government, Education, Legal, Construction, Manufacturing and Cost Control.
Project goals and objectives: To improve standardisation, education and demystification of BIM in Australia.
Context: Recognition of the increasing impact of BIM on architectural and procurement practices.
Proposed deliverables: Clear, practical advice and guidance on all matters relating to BIM.
Planned 2014 activity: Results-driven monthly meetings. Preparation of case studies from the committee’s collective experiences in BIM. They will be generic in nature, and not identify actual projects on which they may be based. Projects of three different values are being considered for case studies: Low (up to $20M), mid ($21M - $400M) and high (over $400M).
Expected audience: All sectors using BIM in Australia.
Approach, methodology: Utilising the Committee members’ diverse expertise, sharing experiences and ideas from across all sectors using BIM in Australia.
Project contact:
Name: Richard Currie
Position: Chair of the BIM committee
Tel: 08 9381 6788
AIA - BIM Survey (Completed)
Project name: BIM Survey.
Completion/expected completion date: November 2013.
Main participating organisations: Attendees of the 2013 National BIM Seminar Series.
Project goals and objectives: To obtain Institute members’ opinions of about its role in dialogues about BIM and their preferences for BIM-related events.
Context: A follow-up survey was issued to attendees of the seminar series in an attempt to ascertain future expectations from the Institute in this field. Results showed that the majority (81.95%) of attendees were Architects from medium sized firms, around 7% of the attendees were consultants. There was a firm response from the attendees that it is the role of the Institute to develop and lead the discussions around BIM for architects and that these discussions should be available to the whole AEC industry. Most would prefer for future events to be in a case study and discussion format and as a 1-2 hour breakfast or lunch event. The second preferred format was for a full day conference. Approximately 45% of the attendees would like to participate in an online discussion forum.
Proposed deliverables: Seminar attendees’ opinions about the role of the Institute in developing and leading discussions around BIM for architects, and information about their preferences for the format of future events.
Planned 2014 activity: A second National BIM Seminar Series.
Expected audience: Institute policy-makers and event planners.
Project contact:
Name: Carmel McCormack
Position: General Manager Membership & Programs
Tel: 03 8620 3877
ACIF-APCC - BIM Summit - National PTI and BIM Communication Exchange (Completed)
Completion date: 2013 - 2015.
Main participating organisations: ACIF and APCC members.
Project goals and objectives: To provide industry with a "Knowledge Hub" to promote the better understanding of BIM activities underway and to avoid duplication of effort.
Description: ACIF and APCC convened the BIM Summit at Australian Standards, Sydney on 14th May 2015. The Summit provided a regular communication exchange for the Building Information Modelling and Project Team Integration initiatives being undertaken by many organisations across the building and construction industry.
APCC and ACIF invited people and organisations working on technical and commercial aspects of BIM adoption and Project Team Integration, to collaborate and share information on the projects they are undertaking.
4 working groups tasked with producing identified outcomes were established at the Summit.
Context: The BIM Summit followed work sponsored by buildingSMART to promote closer collaboration to make the best use of very limited resources. ACIF and APCC jointly act as a comprehensive peer industry group best placed to foster that collaboration.
This work is part of a wider commitment by APCC and ACIF to identify industry and government priorities in respect to improving productivity and, where appropriate, increased innovation.
Proposed deliverables: The completed deliverables from each working group have been finalised.
Project contacts:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director, APCC and Richard Choy, Chief Executive NATSPEC
Tel: 1300 797 142, 02 9321 7200
ACIF-APCC - BIM Education, Knowledge and Skills (BEKS)
Project goals and objectives:
- Develop the BIM skills requirement “blue print” for accreditation into education and training programmes.
- Adoption of a consistent BIM capability standard across all disciplines and phases in a construction activity.
Planned 2015/2016 activity:
- Finalise the development of a methodology (Master Matrix) of each discipline within the construction industry. Include trade and asset and facilities management.
- Host a comprehensive Peer Review process.
- Implementation: Host a face-to-face Briefing – of Accrediting Associations. Advise relevant Associations and consult the wider public and industry.
- Launch: Planned for August 2016.
- Online campaign to industry employers: Planned for September/October 2016.
- Develop access and the medium to be used in delivery to government and industry: To be delivered in a downloadable online format that meets the needs of the key audiences:
- Ongoing development and reviews: Enable review periods in ongoing development of versions.
Expected completion date: August 2016 (Launch of ‘blue print’).
Expected audience: Whole of industry involved within the delivery of a Construction activity (as defined).
Approach, methodology: Meetings of a dedicated working group and relevant stakeholders. Contributions from ACIF and APCC members.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
ACIF-APCC - A Framework for the Adoption of PTI and BIM
Completion date: December 2014
Main participating organisations: ACIF, APCC, AMCA, CA, FMA, AIB, AIA, buildingSmart, and BIM Academy.
Project goals and objectives: Develop a framework identifying the ‘why-what-how-when’ for the adoption of Project Team Integration (PTI) and BIM across Australia and New Zealand.
Description: The Framework identifies all elements for consideration by clients/owners/industry wishing to adopt PTI and BIM. Practical principles for adoption have been developed. References are included for appropriate material available elsewhere.
The development of the Framework was an outcome in 2014, where APCC members agreed to the following Statements of Commitment in respect to the adoption of BIM for government projects:
- Government agencies should consider adoption of BIM for major projects.
- When adopting BIM on the project, consideration should be given to the procurement strategy implemented for the project.
- At completion of any BIM enabled government project, clients should be requiring a 3D view of the asset with linked data and materials for use across the asset life cycle.
Planned 2016/2017 Activities: Ongoing promotion of the Framework throughout government and industry as the “Framework” for adoption of PTI and BIM in Australasia.
Expected audience: All organisations involved in delivery of capital works assets.
Project contact:
Name: Teresa Scott, Executive Director APCC.
Tel: 02 6285 2255
NATSPEC - ICIS National BIM Object Library Survey (Completed)
Project name: NATSPEC/ICIS National BIM Object Library Survey (Complete)
Completion date: January 2015
Main participating organisations: ICIS and NATSPEC
Project goals and objectives: To identify which National BIM object libraries (NOL’s) and standards currently exist globally and also to understand which countries are developing NOL’s or creating standards for BIM object creation, object naming or object parameters.
Context: The survey was developed in conjunction with Konrad Stuhlmacher of Dr. Schiller & Partner GmbH, who was previously DIN’s representative at ICIS, to assist NATSPEC in deciding the best approach to take in regards to the development of an Australian NOL and also to assist in global knowledge.
Proposed deliverables: Survey summary report and full survey results.
Planned 2014 activity: None, survey and report complete.
Expected audience: ICIS members, buildingSMART chapters, ISO TC59 SC13 members, plus representatives from other countries.
Approach, methodology: Online survey.
Other information: A total of 39 respondents from 19 countries across the globe completed the survey.
Project contact:
Name: Kevin Rooney
Position: Senior Engineer - NATSPEC
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 02 9321 7200
[366 KB PDF] Download
Standards Australia - BD-104 BIM: Mirror committee of ISO TC59/SC 13
Project name: Standards Australia BD-104, the Australian Mirror Committee of ISO TC 59/SC 13.
Responsible organisation: Standards Australia.
Project objectives: NATSPEC’s proposal to form an Australian mirror committee of International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 59/Subcommittee 13 (ISO TC59/SC13) Organisation of information about building works was approved by Standards Australia (SA) in 2012.
The objectives of BD-104 are to:
- Participate in the development of international standards managed by ISO TC59/SC13.
- Represent Australian interests in the development of international standards.
- Inform Standards Australia (SA) decision-making with respect to BIM.
SBEnrc - Collaborative Object Libraries Supporting the Facility Lifecycle
Start date: 2010
Status: Active
NATSPEC is a partner in this project with SBEnrc. The objective of the project is to develop standards and processes that will enable collaborative object libraries to store and share information appropriate to each stage of the built asset lifecycle, and in a platform neutral manner. Object authoring software for the creation of generic objects that can then be exported to common modelling applications has been developed. This saves having to model the same items multiple times. Standard property sets and shared parameters are also being developed to promote a consistent approach by content creators.
QUT-ARC - Linking BIM, Specifications and BOQs
Project name: QUT ARC Linking BIM, Specifications and BOQs.
Responsible organisation: QUT.
Project objectives: NATSPEC is a partner in this Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Australian Research Council (ARC) linkage project which is examining the link between BIM, construction specifications and cost plans. The objectives of the research are to:
- Establish new and better ways of communicating complex technical information between members of the building design team, especially at early stages of design, by making currently implicit information explicit. It focuses on exchange of information between the architect and cost planner/quantity surveyor as a key relationship;
- To support the definition of dependencies between building components and products to ensure that requirements expressed in the drawings or specification are met appropriately and consistently. The focus will be on the relationship between the model as the source for the generation of construction drawings and specifications as an explicit textual description of requirements;
- Implement software that demonstrates the achievement of the two goals above and that is sufficiently robust to be used in a commercial environment for the domains noted. This software will automate or semi-automate the addition of information to BIM to support specification writing and cost planning.
NATSPEC - National BIM Project Inception Guide (Completed)
Project name: NATSPEC BIM Paper – BIM Project Inception Guide (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: November 2014.
Main participating organisations: Industry experts.
Project goals and objectives: To assist clients working with their Lead BIM Advisor to clarify and define their BIM requirements at project inception for the purpose of engaging the project team, with the goal of maximising the value of BIM to the project.
Context: The clear definition of BIM requirements prior to engagement allows consultants to scope and price their services more accurately when preparing bids, reducing the risk of having to renegotiate them later.
Proposed deliverables: NATSPEC BIM Paper.
Planned 2016 activity: Project complete.
Expected audience: Industry stakeholders.
Approach, methodology: Desktop research and industry consultation.
Project contact:
Name: Neil Greenstreet
Position: Senior Architect
Tel: 02 9321 7200
NATSPEC - International classification study
Start date: 2011
Status: Active
NATSPEC is reviewing current developments in construction information classification systems internationally to provide background information for discussions about the most appropriate system for the Australian construction industry.
NATSPEC - Construction information classification systems study (Completed)
Start date: 2008
Status: Complete
NATSPEC undertook this study in response to enquiries by a number of subscribers about developments in construction information classification systems due to its relevance to BIM. The results are summarised in the NATSPEC TECHreport Information classification systems and the Australian construction industry. NATSPEC sought the views of interested subscribers and industry representatives during the study.
NATSPEC TECHreport Information classification systems ... [PDF 276 KB] Download
NATSPEC - BIM scheduling project (Completed)
Start date: 2010
Status: Complete
NATSPEC undertook this project as an initial response to subscribers’ requests to develop a standardised Australian practice for the exchange of digital building information. The goal of the project is to recommend a consistent, systematic approach to allocating properties to BIM objects to facilitate the generation of useful schedules.
The findings of the project are summarised in the NATSPEC BIM Scheduling Guidelines. See NATSPEC BIM Papers and other documents
Project name: NATSPEC BIM Portal.
Completion/expected completion date: On-going.
Main participating organisations: Industry experts as required.
Project goals and objectives:
- To provide free access to downloadable NATSPEC BIM documents.
- To provide a reliable source of relevant BIM resources, including tools and educational tutorials.
- To provide details of BIM research and development projects that NATSPEC is associated with.
Context: There are numerous websites, blogs, etc devoted to BIM, and no lack of information about BIM in general. For industry stakeholders wanting to implement BIM, finding relevant information can be time-consuming. The NATSPEC BIM Portal developed in 2011 selectively provides information for this purpose, with a focus on open standards that can be applied regardless of the software used.
Proposed deliverables: Information resources, downloadable documents and tools.
Planned 2016 activity: On-going updating and development of content.
Expected audience: All design, construction and facility management stakeholders.
Project contact:
Name: Neil Greenstreet
Position: Senior Architect
Tel: 02 9321 7200
NATSPEC - BIM Paper: Getting Started with BIM (Completed)
Project name: NATSPEC BIM Paper – Getting Started with BIM (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: June 2014.
Main participating organisations: Industry experts.
Project goals and objectives: To assist organisations that have decided to implement BIM and provide guidance about what they should do next. The paper will focus on the office/organisation issues associated with implementing BIM, how such issues may be overcome and the level of BIM implementation that may be suitable for an organisation, based on its scale.
Context: There appears to be an absence of succinct guidance on this topic relevant to Australian practitioners.
Proposed deliverables: NATSPEC BIM Paper.
Planned 2014 activity: Review of draft document by a selected group of industry experts. Incorporation of feedback in final paper and publication. Seminar series in June 2014
Expected audience: Consultants, practitioners.
Approach, methodology: Desktop research and industry consultation.
Project contact:
Name: Kevin Rooney
Position: Senior Engineer
Tel: 02 9321 7200
NATSPEC - BIM Paper: BIM and LOD (Completed)
Project name: NATSPEC BIM Paper – BIM and LOD (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: November 2013.
Main participating organisations: Industry experts.
Project goals and objectives: To improve understanding of Level of Development (LOD) throughout the industry and provide guidance about using LOD as a project management tool.
Context: There had been a focus of interest in LOD over the last few years, coupled with widespread confusion and misconceptions.
Proposed deliverables: NATSPEC BIM Paper.
Planned 2014 activity: Project complete.
Expected audience: Industry stakeholders.
Approach, methodology: Desktop research and industry consultation.
Project contact:
Name: Neil Greenstreet
Position: Senior Architect
Tel: 02 9321 7200
NATSPEC - Australian Government BIM Workshop (Completed)
Project name: NATSPEC Australian Government BIM Workshop (Completed)
Completion/expected completion date: February 2013
Main participating organisations: State and Federal government property agencies that require, or are looking at requiring, the use of BIM on their projects.
Project goals and objectives:
- Improve agencies’ awareness of each other’s activities.
- Share their experiences of implementing BIM.
- Avoid duplication of effort.
- Facilitate a consistent national approach to BIM.
- Speed up adoption nationally.
Context: A number of government agencies are examining the role of BIM in their procurement processes. NATSPEC believed that a workshop would provide an opportunity to share their experiences and reduce duplication of effort.
Proposed deliverables: Increased awareness of government agency policies and activities regarding the implementation of BIM. A more consistent national approach to BIM implementation.
Planned 2016 activity: None.
Expected audience: State and Federal government property agencies.
Approach, methodology: Workshop. Workshop notes.
Project contact:
Name: Richard Choy
Position: CEO
Tel: 02 9321 7200
ICIS - Project 03: Classification and BIM
Project name: ICIS Project 03: Classification and BIM.
Responsible organisation: ICIS
Project objectives: To develop a guide for the industry for implementing ISO 12006-2 and a supplement for a typical national BIM-guide. Other objectives include:
- Identifying important information tasks and areas for support of classification of interest to the industry.
- Identify and specify usability and functionality of classification systems.
Planned activity 2016: Presentation of final draft at the ICIS Delegates Assembly in Auckland, New Zealand in early 2016 for review prior to publication later in 2016.
ICIS - Project 02: Specifications and BIM (Completed)
Project name: ICIS Project 02: Specifications and BIM
Responsible organisation: ICIS
Project objectives: To produce a report which discussed different methods for the connection/integration of specification information and BIM, including the potential advantages and disadvantages of each method. It was agreed that the subject was not sufficiently advanced to make recommendations in the report.
ICIS Specifications and BIM Report [239 KB PDF] Download
CRC-CI - SpecNotes and Viewer (Completed)
Start date: 2006
Status: Complete
NATSPEC was a partner in this research project which had the goal of developing software applications to integrate specification documents with digital building models. The applications provided a high degree of cross-referencing between the two.
Read more on the project page